It prefers similar medium-sized tanks and environments. Minimum Tank Size. Blue Acara Cichlid Tank Requirements. The pattern will come to the head of the fish, often reaching even lower. view 1 full verison photos of 10 gallons planted tank - photo #1 - 10 gallon planted tank - Fish Kept - Electric Blue Acara - Corals/Plants - 1xCryptocoryne Wendtii, 1xVallisneria Spirali, 2xAnubias, 5x … You might want to include a tank mate that is a member of a South American cichlid family, like the banded cichlid. But it’s the green horizontal lines on the fish’s face and the bluish-green, metallic scales that give the creature its stunning electric blue color. Make sure he won’t be able to eat them when he grows . Size. Electric Blue Acara Size? I have an empty 55 gallon currently starting a fishless cycle. Blue, Orange, Silver. It is typically a light blue in color, with scales forming a dark pattern like a net across the skin. It has an easy to recreate natural environment and gets along well with just about all other fish species. Electric Blue Acaras aren’t glutinous eaters, but they occasionally will overeat if you are not careful about how you feed them. Scientific Name: Andinoacara pulcher (formerly Aequidens pulcher). While there are plenty of fish to choose from, getting the right combination can be tricky. It is widely bred in captivity so you can obtain specimens that are already used to life in aquaria and haven’t been subjected to any catching stress. Beautiful colours, good size, and very hardy, this fish is a win for both beginning and experienced fish keepers. Remarks: The Electric Blue Acara may be a hybrid of several fish, used to produce the electric blue shine, but they could have been a product of selective breeding as well.Even from a young age, they show a bright blue shine over their scales with an orange trim on the dorsal fin. Keep an eye on you fish during and after feeding time to monitor for any issues. Tall tanks are not suitable for several reasons. The recommended minimum tank size for Blue Acara is 30 gallons/115 litres. WadeEH. We have purchasing options available for 2" and 3" fish. Nowadays a new … I also have 1 Electric Blue Acara in this tank so I’m taking his color into account also. The name of the fish says about its color. This can lead to some serious issues such as malnutrition and injury. The electric blue acara cichlid is a gorgeous fish, showing incredible colour in both males and females. This fish comes from one of the most aggressive species of fish in the entire world, but it has a unique disposition. MFK Member. They like to swim freely in the water as well as hide in the plants or decorations in this tank. Omnivore. If you don’t think these foods have the ideal nutritional qualities, you can add chemical supplements. I have read several conflicting things about the maximum size of EBA. There is some debate as to the origin of this fish, but many believe that it was developed through hybridization with the Blue Ram Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) and then line bred to isolate and develop the "electric blue" gene. My juvie GTs barely have any color while my juvie EB Acara is beautiful at the same size. Electric Blue Acaras are possibly one of the easiest Cichlids to breed. These fish are native to the freshwater basins of South America. For every additional Electric Blue Acara that you add, you will need to add fifteen gallons of water. When provided with the proper living conditions, this fish can live up to ten years in captivity. If you have any kind of equipment lying on the bottom of your tank, the Electric Blue Acara might not be able to resist digging it up. No. Blue acaras can grow up to 8 inches in size, although they can vary. Each Electric Blue Acara must be kept in a tank that can hold a minimum of 30 gallons. It’s not a natural process, female Blue Ram eggs are fertilised with the sperm of male Blue Acara, giving rise to Electric blue Acara/Ram hybrids. Aeration is also important. I want to do 2 electric blue acaras and about 10 tiger barbs … These fish have a solid reflective cobalt blue body and the same behavior as the wild blue acara. The Electric Blue Acara is a color morph of the Blue Acara. These are good community fish but will eat very small species such as fancy shrimp. Color. The unclean water cause sickness in the electric blue acara. This is a middle sized cichlid which max size in the wild is about 20 cm (8 in), but in a tank size is about 15 cm (6 in). Substrate. They will also eat high quality pellets and flakes. You should have a healthy ratio of swimming space and plants. Blue Acara. pedro arteaga New Member. Their eyes protrude slightly above their heads, which is not usually noticeable unless you are looking at the fish head on. Brand new to cichlids. It simply boils down to having a stunning fish to have light up your tank that is also relatively easy to care for. Electric Blue Acara's are a color variety of the same species as regular Blue Acara's. General: The electric blue acara is a hybrid fish, being derived from closely related South American cichlids. I would highly recommend a second tank if you are considering this option, temperament can vary in all species. It’s a tank with a lot of green. It's best to keep one male with multiple females, … Plants should be added to the aquarium, and natural light with some shading is preferred to help these fish thrive. It is also relatively affordable. You can feed your Electric Blue Acaras premade fish foods that are in a pellet or granule format. Electric Blue Acaras are not finicky eaters, preferring to eat meat and other carnivorous food sin chew old. Allow 15 gallons of water per additional Acara that you add. The Blue Acara is often confused with another South A… I have a 60 gallon with a lot of hiding spaces, and I just added more hiding spots. Feeding: Sinking pellets, tablets, wafers, frozen … Finding potential tank mates for your Electric Blue Acara should not be difficult because these fish are so peaceful and get along well with just about any other species. Electric Blue Acara Tank Size- Advice Needed! For … If your Blue Acara Cichlids are in an aquarium that is overstocked, they will become stressed – weakening their immune systems – causing them to be more prone to diseases, and they won’t grow to their … I would avoid any more because pairing could … Can I keep 2 electric blue acaras in it? As an added bonus, this fish doesn’t take up much time or space. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Electric Blue Acara Appearance And Behavior, Electric Blue Acara Tank And Water Requirements, Breeding And Life Spans Of Electric Blue Acaras, Everything You Need To Know About Freshwater Aquarium Snails, The Ultimate Guide To Caring For And Keeping The Peacock Cichlid, Otocinclus Catfish- The Easiest Cleaner Fish You Can Raise, The Ultimate Guide To Setup And Maintaining Your Turtle Tank, The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Red Slime Algae In Your Fish Tank, Top 8 Best Nano Reef Tanks In 2021 – Ultimate Reviews. Keeping these fish in a small tank can cause them to become fatigued and it also disrupts their natural feeding patterns. Aquarium Electric blue Acara tank mates is great topic today. They are known to live up to 10 years of age within aquariums. The tank should be planted and also have plenty of hiding places, and a sandy substrate. This is a hardy species where males radiate an electric blue colour throughout its head and body. In addition to meaty ingredients, you should also add a small amount of plant matter, as these fish are technically omnivores. Dirty water can cause a whole host of illnesses not just for your Electric Blue Acara, but for all of your fish species. Electric blue acara Tank mates. If you notice problems like your fish swimming oddly, moving slowly, or tipping to the side, they are probably over full. The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. Ideally, your tank will be rectangular and at least 4ft in length. Electric Blue Acara. Generally, the pH should be around 6.0 to 7.5. Was it acclimatized properly, and was the tank cycled? It prefers similar medium-sized tanks and environments. Aug 31, 2020 415 291 72. Considered to be semi-aggressive, it is often best to keep electric blue acara in groups consisting of six individuals or more. This process happens very frequently when they’re juveniles. Tank-Setup for The Electric blue acara: A tank with 114 liters carrying capacity is ideal for keeping the electric blue acara. However, they are much more vibrant and are consistently a bright, iridescent blue throughout their bodies as well as their fins. Preferring to hang out in slow-moving waters, this fish is a member of the Cichlidae family, which is a well-known family of fish among aquarium hobbyists. General Information & Care. Blue Acara Tropical Fish Learn all about the Blue Acara's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Dwarf cichlids are … Blue Acara is a medium sized fish; it’s smaller than the usual fish from cichlid family. Another version says that it was created as a result of a crossbreeding of turquoise and a bluish-spotted acara. For them, the shape of their substrate matter much more than the type of the substrate. May 18, 2012 … Thread starter pedro arteaga; Start date Jul 29, 2019; click to enter now! There aren’t very many species you need to avoid, but in general you should resist the urge to keep Electric Blue Acaras with angelfish, dwarf cichlids, or aggressive fish in general. Remember that the natural habitat of the Electric Blue Acara includes lots of vegetation. Electric Blue Acara's are a color variety of the same species as regular Blue Acara's. The Blue Acara is a South American cichlid with a comparatively peaceful temperament, at least when not protecting offspring. The optimal condition for nutrition, temperature and water chemistry is essential for the potential growth of electric blue acara. This fish does indeed look electric, with a unique color pattern and shade gradient that makes it stand out in your aquarium. Although they love slow-moving bodies of water, they prefer to live in densely planted tanks. With each additional Acara you introduce to the tank, make sure you add 15 gallons of water space in their tank. Description. Don’t overdo it on the decorations or plants, however, because you will still need to provide your Electric Blue Acara with some swimming space. This fish gets along well with most other kinds of fish and is one of the most peaceful species you will find. I know that they are a hybrid of a Electric Blue Ram & and Blue Acara. You might include natural companions like barbs or catfish to your … 72-80° F, KH 9-20, pH 6.5-8.0. It is a hybrid that is bred in Singapore by crossing cichlids that live in America. The first references in the catalogs date back to 2012, which makes the variety of fish relatively young, and therefore so interesting. Member. Most fish of this species cost between $6 and $15, with prices determined mostly by the size of the fish as well as their age. Blue acara lifespan can be about 7-10 years. Blue Acara Tropical Fish Learn all about the Blue Acara's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. HybridHerp Fire Eel. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Blue Acara is the right fish for your aquarium.. If you have large tankmates, they may have a tendency to bully your Electric Blue Acara. Because these waters typically contain lots of oxygen and vegetation, the substrate tends to be rich and nutrient-packed. Therefore, they encounter many other popular freshwater aquarium species in their wild environment. Try to keep the pH of the tank either close to neutral or slightly above neutral. These fish are tranquil, and most species will get along in the tank. In fact, this species aggressiveness to a large extent depends on the tank size. The supposed hybrid did look like a "combination of the two". The fish currently for sale are in the 1.25"-2.5" range. Not any more. 55. Are there other fish? These fish are terribly curious. This particular variant is known for the incredible neon blue coloration that covers almost its entire body in both males and females. Suitable Blue Acara tank mates are Central Cichlids, Corydoras, Loaches, Catfish and Plecos.Due to their lesser aggression larger species of Danios, Barbs, Tetras, Rainbowfish and Sunfish can also be successfully introduced. About 20-30% of tank water should change every week to keep the water clean. Rocksor Blue Tier VIP. For every additional Electric Blue Acara that you add, you will need to add fifteen gallons of water. Gold barbs or Cherry barbs? Electric Blue Acara are best housed in a densely planted 55 gallon or larger aquarium with a soft, sandy or fine … 5 - 8. Water Conditions. Nov 28, 2011 3,809 3,254 384 San Diego. This means you can safely house 4 to 6 Otos, and more can be added as the tank size increases. On the whole however, the electric blue acara is one of the smallest species of the cichlid family. Thankfully, Electric Blue Acaras are relatively hardy and are not prone to many diseases. Temperature: 21–29°C/70–84°F. Joined Jul 29, 2019 Messages 1 Reaction score 0. B2G1 Rotala Wallichii Bundle Stem Freshwater Live Aquarium Plant Planted Tank. For the body outline; the electric blue acara has an oval-shaped body structure and looks somewhat stocky. The growth of vegetation requires good aeration and filtration. Water flow is also critical for these creatures. Colin_T … Finding potential tank mates for your Electric Blue Acara should not be difficult because these fish are so peaceful and get along well with just about any other species. You can use a basic aquarium lamp and just keep it on a low setting to best suit the needs of this attractive species. These fish can max out in length at 6". The Neon Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) is a recent variation to its original “Blue Acara” that make fine subjects for a South American cichlid aquarium. In captivity, they prefer to eat meaty foods like shrimp, bloodworms, or even muscles. This fish, known scientifically as Andinoacara pulcher, is a freshwater fish species that is native to the lakes and rivers of South and Central America. Otocinclus Tank Size Requirements. The body color is gray and blue with several vertical black bands and sparkles scattered over the body. I’m in the process of setting up a 22 gallon long aquarium, which is 3 feet across. They require protein rich foods for optimal health, and should be given bloodworms and tubifex--live, freeze dried and frozen will all be accepted. Molting can still occur as an adult, but it’s much more infrequent once they have reached their full adult size. They will spend much of their day digging into the substrate. If you are interested in keeping a cichlid species for its beauty or entertaining behaviors, but are worried about how it will get along with your other fish, all you need to do is consider the Electric Blue Acara. Size of Fish: Number of Fish: Quantity: 2 available / 1 sold ... Anubias Nana Petite Freshwater Live Aquarium Plants Potted Rare Rooted Fish Tank. Feel free to suggest other fish as well, but keep in mind the adult size of my Acara. Nov 13, 2015 #2 There are GT and Blue Acara hybrids out there, so it is no so far fetched to have a EBA and GT hybrid. The electric blue acara may reach a … Lifespan can be about 7-10 years.The fish becomes reproductive when its body is about 6-6.5 cm long and breeding starts when body length is 10 cm. The only thing you need to make sure of is that all of your cichlid fish are of roughly the same size or they will have a tendency to bully each other. If you notice this happening repeatedly, you may need to adjust your feeding patterns or diet in the long term. Origin: South America (bred) Lifespan: 8 years Max Size: 6 inches Food: Flake, … What Size Aquarium Do Electric Blue Acara Need? • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons • Water Conditions: 74-84° F, pH 5.5-7.0, KH 1-5 ... Electric Blue Acara will appreciate planted aquariums that simulate their native environment, but have been known to dig some while breeding which can cause some uprooting in plants that are not well established. They can be kept in groups and will split off into monogamous pairs for spawning. Electric Blue Acaras also have dark, penetrating eyes. Max Size. They are fairly peaceful fish and can be kept with similarly sized South American cichlids, such as Geophagus, Severums, and … As the scales approach the head, the colors on this fish turn from a blue into a pale gray or black shade. Electric blue acara Cichlid fish care is fairly east. The bodies themselves are compressed and elongated, with the narrowest part of the body being where the abdomen transitions into the caudal fin. This fish is one of the best fish you can keep in your freshwater aquarium, and it’s one that you have to consider right away. They will usually not harass tankmates whether they are different species or members of their own species, but should be kept with community fish that are a similar size and temperament nonetheless. It is always safe to house Electric Blue Acaras with other types of cichlids. The Electric Blue Acara looks exactly what it sounds like. For a single Electric Blue Acara, you would require a 30-gallon tank. Tank size capacity should start from 100 liters (26,42 gallons) for a couple of adult fish. Consider non aggressive small shrimp if you want to be safe. Water temperature should be held consistent around 77 degrees Fahrenheit – slightly higher is also acceptable – and a pH that is neutral or slightly less, at around 6.5 to 7. While you will likely have live plants in the tank, you can also purchase dry leafy foods and feed them to your fish. The Electric Blue Acara is an extremely popular fish for fish keepers around the world. Some say they get as large as a standard Blue Acara and some say they are smaller. Blue Acara is very much flexible, … Hes now about 5 … In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 8 inches, but in captivity, it usually grows up to about 6 inches at best. This is not the regular form of the Blue Acara. 72-80° F, KH 9-20, pH 6.5-8.0. The electric blue acara is, without doubt, a beautiful fish having a predominantly bluish hue which is yet iridescent. Some good tank mates include medium sized characins, other relatively peaceful cichlids, Corydoras catfish, and Loricariids. Which fish (colorwise) do you think would look better in this tank? Because Electric Blue Acaras love to dig, you will need to be careful about the type of substrate you choose as well as wheat you place in or on it. This is one of the most beautiful brightly colored cichlids of the South American Cichlid family known as the Electric Blue Acara. Gorgeous fish, nice electric blue with size. Dec 29, 2020. veggieshark. Electric Blue Acaras are found in a wide swath of Central and South America. Size: 5.9″ (15 cm) Lifespan: 10 years Tank Size: 30+ gallons (150+ liters) Diet: Carnivore Temperature: 72 – 83 F (22 – 28 C) pH: 6.5 – 8.5 Hardness: 5 – 25 dKH Temperament: Peaceful Breeding: Easy Swimming: Everywhere, but usually somewhere in the middle Availability: Common. It, however, has stripes/bands of different colors – from brown to black, grey, and orange – displayed all over the body. I would say the largest one is somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 to 5 inches, I’ve had them grow larger, I had a couple in a 150 and one of them got to be pretty close to a 6 or 7 inch mark, so the males are going to approach pretty close to 6 inche,s maybe a little larger, the females usually stay smaller by an inch … It depends not only on size (my O is now double the size of the Acara) but individual space and providing the 'victim' of af any aggression somewhere to hide. If you’re looking for a fish that will add life and vitality to your tank – without making it a total hassle to keep other fish in your tank – you should consider the Electric Blue Acara. Free shipping . This is a middle sized cichlid which max size in the wild is about 20 cm, but in a tank blue acara size is about 15 cm. In addition, they can knock over decorations or even pull up the roots of any live plants you may have. Sold Out Choose a Pack: 1 Fish - $ 18.99 Group of 3 - $ 54.99 Group of 6 - $ 105.99 Group of 9 - $ 151.99 Group of 12 - $ 183.99 You can keep them in pairs or in groups of at least six for best results. No matter what you feed your Electric Blue Acara, remember that your fish should only be fed as much food as it can eat in two or three minutes. The Electric Blue Ram Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi “Electric Blue”) is a very beautiful, tank-raised variant of its species. For the first few weeks, the fry will stay with their mother as they get used to their new world. Blue Acaras will bully small fish and eat the tiny ones, therefore, tank mates should be considered carefully and should be comparable in size. Sunlight is minimal, with floating vegetation providing these fish shelter from above. Diet. The Electric Blue Acara is popular among fishkeeping enthusiasts for various reasons. Tank Size. Therefore, they encounter many other popular freshwater aquarium species in their wild environment. Member. Some are outright psychopaths, others shy and timid. If you are interested in breeding these fish, you should invest in a 20 gallon tank that is somewhat less densely planted than the main tank. Tank size? These rocks will eventually serve as these fish’s breeding grounds. It is fairly hardy and not very expensive which has made it popular among first-time cichlid owners. The fish’s body is mainly steel-gray with stripes and spots on its head and body. Maximum Size: 6" - 7.9" Diet: Omnivore; Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons Overview. Unlike a lot of South American Cichlids, these guys don’t get very big or aggressive. Sep 21, 2020 #2 You could probably do a pair with some dithers. Otherwise, these fish will spend their days swimming and hiding in the tank. Sizewise, gold … Nowadays, all these can be reached by means of strong biofiltration and regular water renew. Check out our in-depth review at the top 5 cichlid fish sticks on the market! The minimum Otocinclus tank size should be around 10 gallons. Size. Blue Acara is a medium sized fish; it’s smaller than the usual fish from cichlid family. reply #3. The Blue Acara Aequidens pulcher has been a cichlid of choice for many years for the South American cichlid aquarium. Blue, Orange, Silver. The Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara pulcher) ... peaceful cichlids for their size and can be housed in a community tank environment with other species of the same size. Behavior & Characteristics. It is prized for its peaceful demeanor as well as its ease of care. Most Electric Blue Acaras reach sexual maturity at around eight to ten months of age. Family : Cichlidae. They are also quite large fish and fairly active swimmers. Females will lay up to 200 eggs and will linger afterwards to protect their young. The fish becomes reproductive when its body is about 6-6.5 cm long and blue acara breeding starts when the fish body length is 10 cm. This fish is one of the most interesting species of cichlids you can own. Luckily, Electric Blue Acaras are some of the easiest Cichlids you can breed. The Electric Blue Acara Cichlid (Andinoacara pulcher hybrid) is an extremely colorful hybrid of the Blue Acara Cichlid. Maximum Size: 6" - 7.9" Diet: Omnivore; Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons Overview. Cichlids are known for being one of the most aggressive fish species, so while they are beautiful, it can be a challenge to keep them in a community tank. Diet. You can add species like plecos or Corydoras catfish, both of which are easy going and easy to manage. The result of such selection was the emergence of a unique and unusually beautiful fish, which was so loved by aquarists around the world. If you have a freshwater fish tank, you probably already know what a challenge it can be to find the right species to fill it with. Eggs are incubated for about two days before the young appear and start looking for food. This generally peaceful fish is a welcome addition to any community tanks, with males becoming territorial towards other males during spawning. They are not overly aggressive and display as stunning blue colour that adds to any setup. While it will occasionally engage in shows of aggression during breeding season, you don’t have to worry about this fish going after your other species at any other time in its life. Slightly acidic to hard and alkaline: 6.5 to 8.0pH, hardness 4–16°H. You don’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars for a filtration system -a simple filter on a medium-0high setting will take care of all of your needs for you. Maintaining the proper water parameters is crucial, and while these fish aren’t overly sensitive to minor fluctuations, the more consistent you can be, the healthier your fish will be in the long run. General: The electric blue acara is a hybrid fish, being derived from closely related South American cichlids. You electric blue acara tank size them to your tank at least when not protecting offspring they are much more infrequent once have. Can max out in length at 6 '' - 7.9 '' Diet: Omnivore ; minimum tank size increases up. Scientific name of this fish is Aequidens pulcher ) gallon with a turquoise-blue body and Electric! Anal fins, penetrating eyes from other Acara species by a broader forehead and body pay attention to tank... 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