The State of Maryland pledges
The responsibilities of the director of nursing shall include: (1) Assisting in the development and updating of statements of nursing philosophy and objectives to define the type of nursing care the nursing home shall provide; (2) Preparation of written job descriptions for nursing service personnel; (3) Planning to meet the total nursing needs of residents to be met and recommending the assignment of a sufficient number of supervisory and support personnel for each tour of duty; (4) Development and maintenance of nursing service policies and procedures to implement the program of care; (5) Participation in the coordination of resident services through appropriate staff committee meetings on issues relating to: (6) Cooperation with administration in planning the orientation program and the staff development program to upgrade the competency of personnel; (7) Assurance that nursing personnel understand the philosophy and meet the objectives; (8) Participation in planning and budgeting for nursing services; (9) Establishment of a procedure to ensure that nursing service personnel, including private duty nurses, have valid and current Maryland licenses; (10) Execution of resident care policies unless delegated to the principal physician or medical director; (11) Participation in the selection of prospective admissions to ensure thatthenursing homes staff is capable of meeting the needs of all residents admitted; (12) Coordination of the interdisciplinary resident care management efforts; and. fraud and/or abuse of State government
[The following shall be observed:]. (2) The janitors closet or service alcove. (4) The[facility]nursing homeshall require employees to perform hand hygienebefore andafter each direct resident contact for which hand hygiene is indicated by accepted professional practice. not accept anonymous complaints. [(3)As appropriate, respiratory care personnel are competent in the following: (a) The fundamentals of cardiopulmonary physiology and of fluids and electrolytes; (b) The recognition, interpretation, and recording of signs and symptoms of respiratory dysfunction and medication side effects, particularly those that require notification of a physician; (c) The initiation and maintenance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other related life-support procedures; (d) The mechanics of ventilation and ventilator function; (e) The principles of airway maintenance, including endotracheal and tracheostomy care; (f) The effective and safe use of equipment for administering oxygen and other therapeutic gases and for providing humidification, nebulization, and medication; (g) Pulmonary function testing and blood gas analysis, when these procedures are performed within the respiratory care unit; (h) Methods that assist in the removal of secretions from the bronchial tree, such as hydration, breathing and coughing exercises, postural drainage, therapeutic percussion and vibration, and mechanical clearing of the airway through proper suctioning technique; (i) Procedures and observations to be followed during and after extubation; and, (j) Recognition of and attention to the psychosocial needs of residents and their families.]. Hot water temperatures in laundries shall conform to applicable standards of the International Fabric Care Institute for laundry water supply.]. Waiting for proof may involve grave risk to the child and . Reports shall be in writing or by telephone, and must be made as soon as possible.. (e) In an existing nursing home, the usable floor area for rooms havinga bedroom shall have a finished ceiling height of 8 feet. (d) Theminimum horizontaldimensions of a bedroom areto be 10 feet to: (i) Facilitate the placement of beds as required inRegulation .44of thischapter;and. Maryland Department of Health Regulations Home (3) In an existing structure, the nursing home shall comply with the regulations and building codes effective at the date of construction. B. (3) The use of hot and cold medical devices shall be: (a) Consistent with manufacturer guidelines and nursing home policies; and. (e) If windows can be opened, but the nursing home has concern over the window being opened due to resident safety issues and elopement, the window sash may be restricted by hardware as approved by the Department. a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution has not made a determination of whether the curriculum meets educational requirements. Information reported to the
(2)The current weeks basic menu shall be posted in one or more easily accessible places in the[dietetic service]food servicesdepartment and in the[patient area]common areas. customers, and stakeholders with
The quality assurance plan shall include: (3) Procedures to take action when there is a change in the residents condition,including: (a) Communicating changes to the director of nursing or the residents attending physician; and, (b) Changing the residents plan of care as necessary; and. 10.34.06 Reporting Pharmacist's and Pharmacy Technician's Mailing Address and Location of Employment, Effective March 18, 2013. Anursing home may not burn or incinerate garbage at the nursing home. The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities. (ii) Office space shall be at least 110 square feet for one therapist, or 85 square feet per therapist if there are two or more. B Social Work Staff Responsibility. Approved employees shall read the skin test and manage the results of the skin test in accordance with Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health-Care Facilities.]. (g) The plumbing fixtures for all water supply connections to washing machines and the plumbing fixtures for all utility sinks shall have an integrated atmospheric vacuum breaker or other approved back-flow prevention devices. To Search COMAR online, go to the MD Division of State Documents website. The nursing home shall be serviced by a public sewage disposal system if available. A. (2) The architect or professional engineer of record shall also submit a letter certifying that the project has been designed in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local codes, laws, ordinances, and regulations. Licensed, (1) The licensee, if not acting as an administrator, shall appoint as administrator a responsible person who is. This status is required for RNs who wish to practice nursing in the state of California. Persons other than licensed health care providers may report suspected abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult. [(3) The tuberculin skin test for new admissions may be a two-step skin test that is performed by the facility according to the established infection control policy of the facility. (a) A residents room shall have direct access to an exit in accordance with the requirements applicable to nursing homes specified in NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free
201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2399, COMAR 10.01.07 Petitions for Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Regulations, MDHPolicy 02.10.01 Policy For Regulations, MDHProcedures 02.10.01.P1 - Procedures For Regulations, State Government Article, 2-102, Annotated Code of Maryland, MDHPolicy 02.10.03 MDHPolicy On Policies, RR&EA - Work Plans and Evaluation Reports, Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act (RREA General Information). In this chapter, the following documents are incorporated by reference. A physician, physician's assistant, dentist, chiropractor, nurse practitioner, nurse, podiatrist, any other licensed health care provider, a medical examiner, or an administrator of a hospital, clinic, dispensary, or nursing home who knows of a case of a reportable disease, condition, outbreak, or unusual manifestation shall report it to the health officer within the time limits specified in B of this regulation.. When the attending physician and medical director document a residents medical need for a particular treatment, assistive device, or equipment, C. When the attending physician and medical director agree that a particular. 516 2017 LAWS OF MARYLAND - 4 - (4) A LICENSEE APPLYING FOR RENEWAL OF AN ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSE CERTIFICATION; OR [(3)] (5) An individual applying for reinstatement of a license in accordance with 8-319 of this title. G. Before discharge the nursing home shall: (1) Verify that the transfer and discharge to an assisted living nursing home is licensed and appropriate to meet the needs of the resident; and. General Requirements. Total number of individuals tested for HIV; Total number confirmed positive HIV tests not due to administration of a vaccine; Total number of individuals tested for CD4+ lymphocyte count; Total number of individuals with CD4+ lymphocyte count less than 200 per cubic millimeter, For those with positive HIV+ or CD4+ lymphocyte counts less than 200, the race, gender, age, county of residence, and risk behavior of the individuals, if the project collects this information. C. A nursing home shall maintain, at all times, the capability to physically isolate any resident who may contract a communicable disease from the remaining resident population. State resources. (a) Orient staff to the emergency and disaster plan and to their individual responsibilitiesin relation to the planwithin 24 hours of the commencement of job duties;[and], (b) Document completion of the orientation in the staff members personnel file through the signature of the employee; and. (a) Stored in water-tight containers with tight-fitting covers; and. Yes. (d) The plumbing fixture for the utility or service sink within a janitors closet must be provided with a back-flow prevention device. A freezer is a cold place in which the temperature is maintained thermostatically between[-20C and -10C (-4 and -14F)]-4F and -14F or -20C and -26C. B. (1) An existing nursing home that wishes to convert, alter, modify, or add to the existing infrastructure shall notify the Office of Health Care Quality in writing. (65)Resident activities coordinator means an individual who: (i) Certifiedtherapeutic recreation specialist; (iii)Licensed occupational therapy assistant; or. Temperatures. (b) Who require medical services and nursing services rendered by or under the supervision of a licensed nurse together with convalescent, restorative, or rehabilitative services. Reporting does NOT require PROOF that child abuse or neglect has occurred. (3) The nursing home shall only release prescribed medications to residents at the time of discharge based on the written authorization of the residents authorized prescriber. However, the national certification agency you are registered with will have requirements that you must complete. B. COMAR covers other actions that "may constitute a violation" of the Act or other applicable laws. A. A. (d) Privileges at a hospital in this state, participant in an HMO network, or credentialed by a credentialing organization approved by the Department. C. Locked Doors Prohibited. (1) The nursing home shall providean administrative area[shall be provided which]thatis suitable for conducting business or discussing[in privacy problems]problems privatelywith the[patients sponsor]residents representative. (1) The nursing home shall return all prescribed medications, for residents who have been discharged or otherwise departed, to the pharmacy in accordance with the nursing homes policy. The facility shall document refusals and shall conduct surveillance of nonimmune employees during the recognized influenza season.]. Further, we believe that federal Certificates of Confidentiality do not shield a researcher from the obligation to report diseases, conditions, or circumstances when such reports are required by state law. However, the nursing home would need to contract with a licensed social worker to provide oversight. (62) Registered nurse means an individual licensed to practice as a registered nurse in this State. A care plan under this regulation shall be based upon assessments conducted at the following times: (4) Significant change in the residents condition.]. (1) All air-supply and air-exhaust systems shall be mechanically operated. (a) The window areawithin each bedroom shallbeat least10 square feet per bed. The identity of the specified victim or victims, Injuries Apparently Caused by Auto Accidents ,Lethal Weapons, Gunshots, Burns, or Moving Vessels, Health Gen 20-702 (moving vessel injuries), In Allegany, Anne Arundel, Charles, Kent, Montgomery, Prince Georges , Somerset, Talbot, and Wicomico Counties, a physician, pharmacist, dentist or nurse who treats an individual for an injury that shows evidence of having been caused by an auto accident or lethal weapon shall notify the county sheriff, police, or state police as soon as practicable., Syphilis: Failure to comply with medical observation; contact reporting; positive serological test for mother or infant. (g) Advance directives, living will, or a copy of the residents Marylands Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form. (1)Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. (2) In compliance with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code, and other applicable codes, and all federal, State, and local codes. SS-7, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA); (6) National Fire Protections Association, NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code (2015 Edition); and. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. (2) The director of nursing shall obtain approval from the Department. (50) Paid feeding assistant means an individual who: (a) Meets the requirements of Regulation .58 of this chapter; and. If the designee is not a certified social worker, the facility shall effect an agreement with a qualified social work consultant. (10) The orientation may not be included in the required 75 hours of the training course. Modification of the following minimum space will be made in the event that the facility can demonstrate that the use of convenience food, disposables, or equipment, require less space for operation. (iii) Adequate storage and work counter space for storage and assembly of supplies for nursing procedures; (ii) A separate wall-hung hand sink for handwashing, equipped with wrist blades and soap and towel dispensers; (7) Utility RoomsExistingFacility. (d)Residentsmay not occupy rooms extending below the ground level. (f) Smoke dampers shall be equipped with automatic remote control reset devices, except that manual reopening will be permitted if smoke dampers are accessible. A sticker bearing the date of the most current inspection shall be affixed on each piece of equipment. [(6)](5)Safeandtimely transportation and care of the[patient]residentduring transfer; [(7)](6)Security and accountability for the[patients]residentspersonal effects; [(8)](7)Prompt readmission to the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility]nursing homeat the end of the hospital stay[(when program fiscal controls permit)]; [(9)](8)Annual review of[execution of]transfer arrangements[(]byautilization review committee or other designated group[)]to assure that each party is fulfilling the needs of[both]the[patients and]residents,the providers[(],the hospital,and the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility)]nursing home; [(10)](9)If needs are not being met,[it is the responsibility of]the administrator of the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility to]nursing home shallact on recommendations of the reviewing group[and]to effect compliance; [C. Exception for Comprehensive Care Facility. When no specific storage directions or limitations are provided in the individual monograph,[it is to be understood that]the storage conditionsshallinclude protection from moisture, freezing, and excessive heat. Contents of Record. (a) Resident Care, Treatment, Diagnostic. For questions or . Drug Screening FAQ - ND Board of Nursing Standardized recipes adjusted to appropriate yield shall be followed. (5) An electrically powered call system shall be connected to the emergency power supply. Hospitals have to report only if they made a "change" and if that change was based in whole or in part of any of the 14 specific reasons listed in. (3) Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities. Copyright License Status Options Active. The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that: (1)The nurse manager or the director of nursing of vent units has a background in ventilator care or is qualified in ventilator management; [(1)](2)Respiratory care services are provided by a sufficient number of qualified personnel;and. Any practicing nurse needs to consider what the Nurse Practice Act and COMAR states when consuming alcohol, taking medications or substances that could be considered controlled dangerous substances, using illicit or any substance that affects mood, attention, alertness, judgment, decision-making etc. (4) The pharmacy shall have access to a copy of the written pharmaceutical care policies. [.11].15Medical Director Qualifications. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall take appropriate infectionprevention andcontrol[steps]measuresto prevent the transmission of[a communicable]an infectiousdisease to residents, employees, and visitors as outlined in the following guidelines: (a)2007Guideline for Isolation Precautions:Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agentsin[Hospitals]HealthcareSettings; and. (7)Before the opening of the[facility all supportive]nursing home, supportpersonnel shall have a minimum of 2 days of orientation training. (2)Policies shall provide for the coordination of rehabilitative services and the rehabilitative aspects of nursing. Contact us via email:, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. Code Ann., Health Occupations Article, 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, If you have a non- compact active license in another state but never held a Maryland license, you must complete one of the above advance practice applications in, Once registration is completed in, your license verification is immediately available for verification. (2) The information disclosed shall explain the additional care provided in each of the following areas: (a) The Dementia special care units written statement of its overall philosophy and mission, which reflects the needs of residents with dementia; (b) The process and criteria for placement, transfer, or discharge from the unit; (c) The process used for individualized assessment and establishing the resident-centered plan of care and its implementation, including the method by which the plan of care evolves and is responsive to changes in the individuals condition; (d) Staff training and continuing education practices; (e) The physical environment and design features appropriate to support the functioning of cognitively impaired adult residents; (f) The frequency and types of resident activities; (g) The involvement of families and family support programs; and. [.29].52Equipment and Supplies for Bedside Careand Therapy. Online jail inmate search miami florida. (2)All clinical information pertaining to a[patients]residentsstay shall be centralized in the[patients]residentsmedical record. Arrangements shall be made, when necessary, for the[patient]residentto be transported to the dentists office. [Service Areas Required in New Construction or for New Facilities.] ]; (2) Strive to accommodate the schedules of invited family members and residents representatives when scheduling care plan meetings; and. Upon successful completion of the curriculum, the graduate is granted the AS in nursing and is eligible to take the state board examination for registered nurse licensure. Services Provided. M. Except where inappropriate for safety reasons, an employee and any other individual who provides a health care service within or on the premises of the nursing home shall wear a personal identification tag that: (2) States the profession or other title of the individual; and. However, the nursing home would need to contract with a licensed social worker to provide oversight. (3) All fans serving exhaust systems shall be located at the discharge end of the system. (3) Qualifications of social worker. (b) The witnesses shall document the disposal in the residents chart. (2)Theadministratorshall[to]obtain specific items required for individual cases where requested by the attending physician or[supervisor of care services]medical director. Annotated Code of Maryland is a compilation of the statutes enacted by the Maryland Legislature, generally organized by subject (e.g., Public Utility Articles). Maryland Department of Health 10.32.22 Mandated Reporting to the Board Copies of these documents are filed in special public depositories located throughout the State. C. Assistance by Nursing Personnel. [These facilities]. 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Direct Entry Midwifery Advisory Committee, Credentials Evaluation Service Application (CGFNS), CREDENTIALS EVALUATION SERVICE APPLICATION, Complete on-line application and fee to CGFNS. Therapeutic diets shall be planned, prepared, and served as prescribed by the attending physician: (1) Therapeutic diets shall be planned by alicensedregistered dietitian[or other qualified person]; (2) Preparation and serving shall be supervised by a qualified dietetic supervisor;and. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. ), Comments may be sent to Jake Whitaker, Acting Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to, or fax to 410-767-6483. (4) There shall be an agenda to guide meeting participants. B. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. (2) The nursing home shall maintain and dispose of a clients medical records in accordance with Health-General Article, Title 4, Subtitles 3 and 4, Annotated Code of Maryland. fraud hotline to receive allegations of
G. Program of Restorative Nursing Care. (20) Extended care facility means a nursing home that offers sub-acute care and provides medical treatment services for residents who require inpatient care but who do not currently require continuous hospital services. [(2)](4)The Department shall consider the following factors when[considering]decidingwhether to approve an administrator to serve on a less than full-time basis: (a)[Geographical]Geographiclocation of the facilities; (1)In the absence of the administrator, the[facility]nursing homeat all times shall be under the direct and personal supervision of an experienced, trained, competent employee. (iv) All soiled areas within a laundry shall be connected to mechanically operated exhaust ventilation. The Maryland General Assemblys Office
No. The[facility]nursing homeshall assist the[patient]resident, if necessary, in arranging[for]transportation to and from the source of service. (2)There shall beat leastone night light in each bedroom forresidents. Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. (4) Supplementary instructors shall be drawn from qualified resource personnel such as registered nurses, licensed practical/vocational nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, social workers, sanitarians, fire safety experts, nursing home administrators, gerontologists, psychologists, physicians, physical and occupational therapists, activities specialists, speech/language/hearing therapists, and residents rights experts, as well as persons with relevant experience, such as residents or experienced aides. (4) The brief medical fact sheet for each resident described in A(3) of this regulation shall be: (c) Maintainedin awritten, electronic,or printed formin a central location readily accessible and available to accompany residents in case of an emergency evacuation. (b) The maximum height from the floor to the top of a window sill shall be 44 inches above the finished floor. 272, April 1995 and Transmittal No. These studies have listed reoccurring . Agency Note: The following equipment is recommended: dwashing sink with soap and towel dispenser or approved drying device. (1)[Problems]Residents problemsand needs shall be identified, based upon the interdisciplinary assessment. following applies: If a nursing home administrator, registered nurse, licensed
(6) The bottoms of ventilation openings may not be not less than 3 inches above the floor of any room. records, Medication Administration Records (MARs) and controlled substance
The[facility]nursing homeunit shall meet all applicable requirements in Regulation[.26F].46of this chapter for emergency electrical power, including the provision of: (a) To service the medical gas systems, a vendor or staff shall be trained and accredited in accordance with NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code. Under 5-705, any person other than the persons listed above who has reason to believe that a child has been subject to abuse or neglect shall make either an oral or written report that meets specified requirements to the extent possible [with exceptions for certain confidential and privileged communications].