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The IFB are Pharisees of our day. From a biblical standpoint, Jesus is the ONLY mediator between God and Man and only Jesus can intercede us. If one gives because they are forced, or constrained TO GIVE, that giving does not come from the heart, and God does not honor that kind of giving. Webindependent Baptist, to place in the hands of members of independent Baptist churches to help them to know the meaning of church membership and to better understand the doctrines and polity of Baptists, and particularly the reasons why we are independent Baptists and not affiliated with one of the various and sundry organizations among We believe that the strict, literal interpretation of the Bible makes us Baptists. I must say, I was hoping the list would be more interesting but the fact mixed into the exaggeration of each point was mostly so true it seemed a bit pointless! Only the KJV will be used in this group; Those myths are addressed in my article: https://baptistdeception.com/tithing/, I dont need to wait. So I did. Of course these cultural attachments border on the cultic, no doubt are legalistic, and hopefully will disappear eventually as the old guard depart their bondage in this life for Glory! I personally fall under Southern Missionary Baptist, and literally had questions in regards to my recent visits at an IFB church. New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches (also known as the New IFB) or officially the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement are an association of conservative, King James Only, independent Baptist churches. You are quick to throw in a jab about how much you dislike them, but cannot tolerate anyone saying different. Who are the Independent Baptists, and what do they believe? Theres a place to rebuke abusive religious practices. I like that about them and not just them but the whole church, because the company you keep will influence you. Mental health issues are just another health issue people have. I would of rather take the word literally than follow the world. So spontaneous but like it was planned. I hope whatever poor experience you had hasnt taken you away from the faith. Being a IFB preacher, I confess a lot of truth here. 6 And they love to sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues. You can be saved and live however, but there will be consequences the saddest consequence of this behavior is your relationship with God will be Hindered greatly or little. If you confuse the KJV with the KJB, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 3. His mom, Dorothy Chrisman, was a teacher at the academy run by Fairhaven. The only sin that is not forgivable is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Yes, I remember that. I remember a particular lesson in church about the rod and staff. You might be an IFB if Your child has went to church there 3x a week, his whole life, but when he leaves the church, your to have nothing to do with them. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith Tithing was around since before the Law of Moses. The last pastor I had, at Mountain, would yell sometimes on his sermons to make sense of humor since most of his sermons were pretty funny but never pounded the pulpit. Then, I can display my tolerance by making of list of things that I disagree with someone else about and make fun of them. What a stupid thing to say. Secular music other than old time gospel hymns is sin I dont see anything wrong with rock & roll, oldies music, and country music though it has gotten worse these days than it was years ago but the music I hate the most are hip hop, heavy metal generally, and especially RAP music which my brother likes. I can be more specific and categorize your list of 55 things to give some examples as you asked OGrodnik to do, but it wouldnt be to diminish what you and others have experienced. N/A Singing anything other than hymns is too liberal While I do favor hymns but I dont see anything wrong with contemporary music since I like a good mix of hymns and contemporary songs. Teaching there is any unforgivable sin besides the sin of unbelief in Jesus Christ is not biblical. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: I have scriptures on my walls that are from other versions. We believe in verbal, plenary inspiration in the original writings, and God's preservation of His pure words to every generation (II Timothy 3:16, Psalms 12:6-8). If you are careful to not show any emotion while singing for fear that you could be considered dancing, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 33. Like I said, Im doing repair work. Please read this article for more information: https://baptistdeception.com/reasons-for-not-accepting-the-kjv-as-gods-preserved-word-a-response-to-pastor-james-melton/, I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense [sic] of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be.. We affirm without apology the doctrines frequently identified as the Fundamentals of the Faith, which include the deity, virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, and imminent return of Jesus Christ. Should we stay living together with our baby in fornication? If you think that any rational thought is dangerous because it may lead you to believe something different than what the IFB believes, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 50. Israel was the prodical.. judah is the elder son that was jealous of israel.. Study The prodigal son and the two houses of Israel. This is assuming that the parable of the prodigal son is some kind of instruction on how to deal with a troubled child I have read other versions of the Bible. I respond to IFB jabs, sometimes that requires a jab back. 7. OK That list just brought back memories that I can thankfully laugh at now. If you think that the other translations are too wordly that right there I dont like. [1], New IFB churches have caused controversy on several occasions, because of their opposition to homosexuality. I actually looked up the word just now (Random House Websters College Dictionary), and here are the definitions: 3.) What sorrow awaits you! God has given each institution specific Biblical responsibilities and has balanced those responsibilities with the understanding that no institution has the right to infringe upon the other. People that are lost cant do what God has commanded because of unbelief. If you believe that doing, saying, thinking, etc. Illustration by Don Pfaffe appearing in the Central Conservative Baptist Quarterly There are those who are called to rebuke abusive religious practices. Tithing is also commanded in the bible and we are to give because he loves us and give with a joyful heart. WebAn independent, fundamental Baptist, local church oriented faith Mission serving Baptist and Bible churches in their missions outreaches and church planting around the world. Ask questions if you need to and Ill be happy to explain more. Our only Head is the Lord Jesus Christ and our only headquarters is heaven. If your pastor begins his sermon by reading one verse then yells and pounds the pulpit for the next 30 minutes, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 17. 2. The churches that teach certain things unrelated to scripture, are a result of what the Bible calls IN THE LAST DAYS. In the last days, people will leave their first love, just as you have left YOUR first love, probably because of a pastor, an arrogant church member, or maybe because of your very own relationship with God, a relationship that is lacking. You better be right with God and have your name written in the lambs book of life. We believe that the only marriage recognized by Scripture is the joining of one man and one woman. Hope you have a great day! Gospel Light Baptist Church, Albany, Georgia. The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series Many on here were saved at a IFB church. is Looking to God for missionaries to help expand the vision and ministries of G.F.F. They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you. Which is more importantthe gold or the Temple that makes the gold sacred? What your pastor told you is extremely dangerous and silly. These are not sacraments to earn salvation, but privileges granted by grace. Hypocrites! Years ago, I heard a very funny but truthful skit on what was or wasnt OK. Each verse ended with, Its OK, because Independent Fundamental Baptist Preachers do it.. 24 Blind guides! But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. If you have others please feel free to share in the comments section, 1. This is an assumption.. Thank God for grace! (Ephesians 2:8-10; John 1:12; I Peter 1:18-19). Jonathan I have a question for you..IF the wine is grape juice (as in the water Jesus turned to wine)HOW can you get drunk on it???? I can tell by your grammar and spelling that you arent very educated (just an observation not a judgment). 42. And if a lost person were to stumble upon this page and read your list and how you respond to any differing opinions, would you be helping plant a seed? God forgave my husband through Christ. WebWARNING!!!! If your church sings Just As I Am at the end of every service We sing that song once in a while since its a good invitational song. Scofield Bible!!!! Instead of reprimanding me why dont you pray for the lost? I disclosed to (2) pastors at this church personal and heart felt feelings that I thought and grew up and was told you can talk to your pastor, because he is a man of God. 35. They act like childern, but my church loves them because Jesus loves them. 28. If I couldnt tolerate anyone saying something different I would instruct the site moderator to delete comments such as yours. WebIndependent Fundamental Baptist Preaching and Bible Study from the Word of God the King James Bible at Vision Valley Baptist Church in MT. I think I find it more funny how you all think it IS funny and Im just over here secretly judging your jeans ;b, But, all teasing aside, the author and other commentators sound very bitter. If the IFB churches are hurting the cause of Christ, would your attitude and example also hurt His cause. (Mat 22:37-40) Can you honestly say that this is of God. We reject any teaching that abortions of pregnancies due to rape, incest, birth defects, gender selection, birth or population control, or the mental well-being of the mother are acceptable. 45. Baptists are traditionally strong believers in Biblical authority. Most pastors skip virtue, usually because they just dont know any better. Its my calling and my ministry. If you consider it worldly and almost frightening if someone brings a different version of the Bible to church, and wonder what your Pastor would say if he knew, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. Marriage for two people that want to make a life together is biblical. Sometimes it makes you wonder if they have EVER read/learned anything from Jesus! Again its too legalistic. Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. I had my part. You obviously didnt read the entire list see number 47. [14], Tarrant County, Texas preacher Dillon Awes attracted considerable controversy for advocating that "every single homosexual" in America be lined up against a wall and shot in the back of the head.