A typical paragraph has three parts: the topic sentence, the supporting sentence, and the concluding sentence. Learn about French negation with Lingolia, then practise in the free exercises. In our last post, we went over a range of options to perform approximate sentence matching in Python, an import task for many natural language processing and machine learning tasks. In this discourse "he impugned the idea of the existence of any visible church at all, ridiculed the value of any tests of orthodoxy, and poured contempt upon the claims of the church to govern itself by means of the state.". For example: Get out of here! Taken internally, colchicum or colchicine markedly increases the amount of bile poured into the alimentary canal, being amongst the most powerful of known cholagogues. Easy Things for Beginners www.manythings.org. A: "What do you want for dinner tonight?" From that night onwards Brother Leonard always poured the cider over hot sulfur. Pour definition is - to cause to flow in a stream. But whereas, from its construction, the Siemens furnace was intermittent in operation, necessitating stoppage of the current while the contents of the crucible were poured out, many of the newer forms are specially designed either to minimize the time required in effecting the withdrawal of one charge and the introduction of the next, or to ensure absolute continuity of action, raw material being constantly charged in at the top and the finished substance and by-products (slag, &c.) withdrawn either continuously or at intervals, as sufficient quantity shall have accumulated. He took a mug from the cupboard and poured himself a cup of coffee. He eased into the chair across from her and poured them both tea as she dialed. (g) They stepped into the font, but were not usually immersed, and the priest recited the baptismal formula over them as he poured water, generally thrice, over their heads. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. The most common negative construction in French is ne + verb + pas, although there are also other negation phrases we can use. As I poured the tea, a voice whispered: " Lapsang souchong? Jackson poured two glasses of blood, using a bottle labeled, 'Elisabeth' for Connor. He rose and poured himself a cup of coffee. Isocrotonic acid (Quartenylic acid) is obtained from 0-chlorisocrotonic acid, formed when acetoacetic ester is treated with phosphorus pentachloride and the product poured into water, by the action of sodium amalgam (A. Previous to the existence of the strait, and across its site, there poured into Australia a wealth of Papuan forms. When a solution of silver nitrate is poured on to metallic mercury, the mercury replaces the silver in the solution, forming nitrate of mercury, and the silver is precipitated; it does not, however, appear as pure metallic silver, but in the form of crystalline needles of an alloy of silver and mercury. Carmen poured his coffee and sat down in her chair. Definition of Poured for a liquid to have flowed out of a container Examples of Poured in a sentence My father poured me a glass of alcohol on my twenty first birthday as a sign of me coming of drinking age. 31. ), 400 cc. God has poured out his love into our hearts. She handed Bordeaux a plate full of flapjacks she had been keeping warm by the fire and poured some honey over the top. Il vous faut trois œufs pour cette recette. To begin, we defined terms like: tokens: a word, number, or other “discrete” unit of text. She scooped the tomatoes into her hands and poured them into a bowl. Then use it and be in it. In Fors, which was continued month by month for seven years, Ruskin poured out his thoughts, proposals and rebukes on society and persons with inexhaustible fancy, wit, eloquence and freedom, until he was attacked with a violent brain malady in the spring of 1878 (aet. ago poured fire and brimstone on this sinful and shameless generation.". She reached down behind the desk and brought out a bottle of gin and poured two healthy slugs into water glasses. Flea dips are insecticidal products that are mixed in water and then poured through your pet's coat, killing fleas and providing residual flea control for a few weeks afterward. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with nouns: " Sunlight poured in through the window. " A constant stream of tribute poured into Egypt, sufficient to defray the cost of all the splendid works that were executed. How to use pour in a sentence. For this reason, all weed killer solutions - whether homemade, organic or brand name - should be applied as a foliar spray and not directly poured onto the soil. Animals and birds were sacrificed and libations poured to him, and prayers were addressed to him by devotees who had purified themselves by ablution and repeated flagellation. constancy of the martyrs, who poured forth their blood for Christ. Vibrations of this kind are observed whenever liquid issues from an elliptical or other non-circular hole, or even when it is poured from the lip of an ordinary jug; and they are superposed upon the general progressive motion. Like this video? She pulled the carafe from his hand and poured herself another two shots. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Small pieces of cork put in the jar will be found to dance about during the continuance of the sound; water or spirits of wine poured into the glass will, under the same circumstances, exhibit a ruffled surface. This English sentence isn’t necessarily something you’d likely find yourself uttering, but the French version is fairly common. So man was made first of clay, but he was strengthless and senseless and melted in the water; then they made a race of wooden mannikins, but these were useless creatures without heart or mind, and they were destroyed by a great flood and pitch poured down on them from heaven, those who were left of them being turned into the apes still to be seen in the woods. Jackson poured a drink and a glass of blood, then sat at the board. "You're out and about early," Lori said as she poured Carmen a cup of coffee. Le futur simple corresponds to the future tense in English. Fury boiled up in her chest and poured from her eyes. With this double ideal in view, Petrarch poured scorn upon the French physicians and the Italian Averroists for their illiberal philistinism, no less than for their materialistic impiety. Since Jack had studied for the exam, he earned a … He was only quite at ease when having poured several glasses of wine mechanically into his large mouth he felt a pleasant warmth in his body, an amiability toward all his fellows, and a readiness to respond superficially to every idea without probing it deeply. Determined to swap it out for a picture of a horse or something bland, Jessi poured herself another cup of coffee and snatched the iPad, settling on the couch within view of the porch. Next the Wizard poured a pool of oil from the can upon the glass floor, where it covered quite a broad surface. It was to Augustine, as to a friend or a confessor, that he poured forth the secrets of his own soul in the book De contemptu mundi. and are tuned specificially meaningul sentence … Exudates are poured out under inflammatory conditions, while none of the truly dropsical effusions are of inflammatory origin; and hence the class of exudates, as above defined, may be rejected from the category of liquids we are at present considering. She started transferring the blood to bottles and marking them with Elisabeth's name, then poured some into a glass for Connor. It always ends with an exclamation mark. Jackson noticed the tremor in Connor's hands, so poured him a scotch. Pour sentence examples. A flood of brilliant, joyful light poured from her transfigured face. All the earlier attempts in this direction failed on account of the difficulty of bringing the glass to the machines without introducing air-bells, which are always formed in molten glass when it is ladled or poured from one vessel into another. When these are excited by the settling of an insect on the leaf they slowly bend over and imprison the intruder, which is detained there meanwhile by a sticky excretion poured out by the glands. as 20 tons, is poured into it through its mouth. Poured wax Doll One made by pouring melted wax into a mold. This varies the thickness of the concrete when poured between the two layers of ICF. The subject of the conditions under which dropsical liquids are poured out opens up a very wide question, and one about which there is the greatest diversity of opinion. How to use pour in a sentence. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 2nd grade . Game. You/We/They will/shall pour. The slag is then poured and skimmed, the blast turned on and converter retilted. To obtain a product free of Cl or S04, there must be an excess of alkali and the zinc salt must be poured into the hot solution of the carbonate. Reaching through the slot, she poured the cow some grain. Kris poured himself chilled whiskey from the small refrigerator tucked in a corner. The path down to evil is easy. Best results will be obtained if the soap is poured into molds at approximately 150 to 155°F (66 to 68°C). Poured sentence examples. The most significant stage in this series of changes occurred when the glacio-marginal lake wateis were lowered so that the long cuesta of Niagara limestone was laid bare in western New York; the previously confluent waters were then divided into two lakes; the higher one, Erie, supplying the outfiowing Niagara river, which poured its waters down the escarpment of the cuesta to the lower lake, Ontario, whose outlet for a time ran down the Mohawk Valley to the Hudson: thus Niagara falls began. 133. The earlier supposition that these vast lava flows came chiefly from fissure eruptions has been made doubtful by the later discovery of flat-sloping volcanic cones from which much lava seems to have been poured out in a very liquid state. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. "It's delicious," Betsy said as I poured myself another cup of coffee and sat down beside her. Teach them to say “Sentences start with a capital” while making a c with their left hand. Form:[Noun] is [preposition] [location]. An old quack doctor named Levett, who had a wide practice, but among the very poorest class, poured out Johnson's tea in the morning and completed this strange menagerie. When boiling water is poured into a glass vessel, the vessel frequently breaks, on account of the unequal expansion of the inner and outer layers. As the flood poured over Syria and flowed south, Israel (Samaria) suffered grievously, and the gaps caused by war and deportation were filled up by the introduction of new settlers by Sargon, and by his successors in the 7th century. Along the Pacific slope of the Queensland Cordillera these found in soil and climate a congenial home. As Dean smeared his whole-wheat toast with a coating of peanut butter, Fred poured the coffee, a sure sign he was looking for a favor. That from the first blow contains between 1% and 2% of copper, and is usually poured from ladles operated by an electric crane into a reverberatory, or into the settling well of the cupola. There are four main sentence structures in the English language. "Someone will have to speak to MS Turnbull," Cynthia said, looking at her husband who groaned as he poured another cup of coffee. She poured the coffees and headed to the door with Jackson behind her. Let us rather seek to be poured forth as an offering, then to do much without feeling the least travail of soul. The stream poured itself over the level and fertile country to the southwards, sweeping whole villages before it, and converting the plain into one vast lake. The iron is then held molten till it has grown hot enough for casting and till enough of its carbon has been burnt away to leave just the carbon-content desired, and it is then tapped out and poured into the moulds. He felt gratitude for the gifts that poured down upon him. I poured more cold water on top of my head. Serve with the toffee sauce poured over, ideally with a scoop of caramel ice cream. poured torrents of drift snow from the interior into the sea. Examples of Facile in a sentence. His miracles were reported and eagerly believed everywhere; " from Poland, Hamburg and Amsterdam treasures poured into his court; in the Levant young men and maidens prophesied before him; the Persian Jews refused to till the fields. They need to leave this place. The whole is then poured into ice-cold water, extracted by ether and the ethereal solution distilled (L. Tacitus, in describing the attack made on the island of Mona (Anglesea) by the Romans under Suetonius Paulinus, represents the legionaries as being awestruck on landing by the appearance of a band of Druids, who, with hands uplifted towards heaven, poured forth terrible imprecations on the heads of the invaders. Rearranging simple and compound sentences Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. He dropped and grabbed the back of his skull, where blood poured free. She poured her ideas into Kris ' receptive ears. Would you be interested in examining the magnetic iron containing specimens that were apparently poured over ammonite fossils? We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Learn more. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. : https://youtu.be/YwaTTsrh6Fw **Comments are now disabled! He poured the rest of his coffee in the sink and pointed at her arm. I poured cement in the hole he dug under the hen house. Smiling Acting Sheriff Fitzgerald, dressed in his uniform, greeted Dean graciously as he poured charm on the ladies. When the High Priest stood at the altar in all his princely state, when he poured ' 2 Kings xxiii. Meta-dinitrobenzene is formed by the direct nitration of nitrobenzene with fuming nitric acid, the product being poured into water and recrystallized from dilute alcohol. Without speaking, he went to the bar, poured two drinks, set one down on the Rococo table in front of the sofa and sat in one of the wing chairs. There were made from flour and then cooked in oil and had lashings of honey and pepper poured over them. The soap is melted by heat, the glycerin is stirred in, and the mixture strained and poured into forms, in which it hardens but slowly into a transparent mass. "I have a better scenario," Cynthia said as she poured herself a cup of coffee and joined them. The walrus and the sea lion live both on land and in the water. Briicke also brought forward an experiment of great importance, in which he showed that gum mastic, precipitated from an alcoholic solution poured into a large quantity of water, scatters light of a blue tint. But don't be limited by them. Learn more. pour "Sit down and I'll pour some coffee," she said over her shoulder. of a solution containing 200 grammes of manganous sulphate, i litre of phosphoric acid (1.3 sp. ... as the floods of easy ridicule which were poured upon this part of Lamarck's speculation. In the reduction by stannous chloride the solution of the ore in the flask is heated to boiling, and a strong solution of stannous chloride is added until the solution is completely decolorized; then 60 cc. As the iron melts it runs out through a tap hole and spout at the bottom of the furnace, to be poured into the moulds by means of clay-lined ladles. Molten tin is then poured in, a little powdered salammoniac added, and the tin spread over the inside with a bunch of tow. Somen are served with a dipping sauce rather than having the sauce poured over them. Our app enables the learning of simple sentence structure through games. 63. It is apparently the presence of these oxydases which causes certain wines to change colour and alter in taste when poured from bottle to glass, and so exposed to air. The later Guptas were overwhelmed (c. 470) by the White Huns, or Ephthalites, who after breaking the power of Persia and assailing the Kushan kingdom of Kabul, had poured into India, conquered Sind, and established their rule as far south as the Nerbudda. He stomped his boots and shook white flakes from his hat and coat before entering the house Cynthia poured them both a cup of coffee as he washed at the sink. This Government has poured billions of pounds into providing ICT equipment for schools. Fred poured a full glass of Tequila for Weller but left the other two glasses empty. She poured them each a cup of steaming tea. Dean poured himself a cup while the lawman finished his snack. As Connor poured more champagne, he said, So, tell us about your night. An ingot of tin is pure white (except for a slight tinge of blue); the colour depends, however, upon the temperature at which it is poured - if too low, the surface is dull, if too high, iridescent. Repeat a few times. "I wonder what they do with the holes," Fred mused as he spooned his breakfast and poured a glass of milk for Donnie. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Chocolate frosted cakes could even be decorated using melting chocolate poured into molds. At the expiration of this time, when the charge should be perfectly liquid and in a tranquil state of fusion, the crucible is removed from the furnace and the contents are poured into a mould. For long periods he was mathematically unproductive, but then sudden inspiration would come upon him and his ideas and theories poured forth far more quickly than he could record them. In the case of the thyroid the function of the gland appears to be to prepare a secretion which is poured out into the blood and alters tissue-change. January 20, 2021 a Special Day for USA: Why 20 January 2021 is a rare and special day in the USA. You/We/They had been pouring. Teaching Easy Sentences In English - Subject Verb. Note that the subject and verb orders are reversed. afternoon siesta, he poured kerosene all over himself and then lit a match. > I'm in favour of getting down to it immediately. At length when the furnace was tapped a white slag was drawn off from the top, and the liquid metal beneath was received into a ladle and poured into cast-iron moulds. Minor sentence definition is - a word, phrase, or clause functioning as a sentence and having in speech an intonation characteristic of a sentence but lacking the grammatical completeness and independence of a full sentence (as Yes, indeed). Thus he designed to crush a part of the coalition before the Russians and Austrians poured over the eastern frontier. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The authenticity of the " holy places " was first attacked seriously in the 18th century by a bookseller of Altona named Korte; and since he led the way, a steady fire of criticism has been poured at this huge mass of invention. This page does not have all the study materials on our website designed for beginners. He wrapped the bottle up to its neck in a table napkin and poured out wine for himself and for Pierre. "If they got any sleep," Quinn quipped as he poured pancake batter into the sizzling pan. The fire underneath the pot is again started, the crystals are liquefied, and one of the two pans, filled with melted lead, is tilted by means of the crane and its contents poured into the pot. On the 2nd of April four commissioners were appointed to superintend the construction of the new castle ordered in the Isle of Sheppey, which when finished was called Queenborough, the purchases and payments, not the works, being under the beloved clerk, Wykeham, In this year came the second visitation of the Black Death, the Second Plague, as it was called, and carried off four bishops and several magnates, with many clerics, whose vacated preferments were poured on Wykeham. This allows for the concrete to be poured in various places within the two layers of ICF. The lanterns were beginning to grow dim, and the Wizard poured the remaining oil from one into the other, so that the one light would last longer. He strode across the room and poured his coffee in the sink. Centralblatt, 1870, I, p. 340) obtained it by passing nitric oxide through a series of bottles containing tin and hydrochloric acid, to which a small quantity of platinum tetrachloride has been added; the acid liquid is poured off when the operation is completed, and sulphuretted hydrogen is passed in; the tin sulphide is filtered off and the filtrate evaporated. Atmospheric precipitation poured into the sea by the great rivers must necessarily create a permanent rise of the sea-level at their mouths, and from this cause the level round the coasts of rainy lands must be greater than in mid-ocean. The Psalter is that part of the Old Testament in which the devotional aspect of the religious character finds its completest expression; and in lyrics of exquisite tenderness and beauty the most varied emotions are poured forth by the psalmists to their God - despondency and distress, penitence and resignation, hope and confidence, jubilation and thankfulness, adoration and praise. A similar series of excellent teachings on practical wisdom and the blessings of a virtuous life, only of a severer and more uncompromising character, is contained in the Sa`adatnama; and, judging from the extreme bitterness of tone manifested in the "reproaches of kings and emirs," we should be inclined to consider it a protest against the vile aspersions poured out upon Nasir's moral and religious attitude during those persecutions which drove him at last to Yumgan. 237+91 sentence examples: 1. reverberated in the forest, and the Cossack companies, trailing their lances and advancing one after another as if poured out of a sack, dashed gaily across the brook toward the camp. of a solution of mercuric chloride (so grammes to the litre) are run in and the contents of the flask poured into a dish containing 600 cc. 6. An exclamatory sentence expresses heightened emotion such as excitement, surprise, anger, or joy. He poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. In calling upon dangerous blacks at night they pretended to be the spirits of dead Confederates, "just from Hell," and to quench their thirst would pretend to drink gallons of water which was poured into rubber sacks concealed under their robes. The new ruler, Christian V., hated him, and accusations against him poured in from every quarter. At Clinique.com, the reviews have poured in over the years and they're from people of all ages with many different skin types. Whilst the authors of all these evils were idly and stupidly gazing on this menacing meteor, which darkened all their horizon, it suddenly burst, and poured down the whole of its contents upon the plains of the Carnatic.". She'd expected horror or disbelief from him during the hour straight that she poured her heart out to him. Saying no isn’t always easy—but it’s often necessary. As he poured out these failed glacier mints to set, Kendal mintcake was born. She poured him a cup of coffee and he glanced up at her. But Garibaldi poured scorn on all suggestions of compromise; and Cavour saw that the situation could only be saved by the armed participation of Piedmont in the liberation of south Italy. I made sure I had my suit, her dress, my underwear, her bras and panties, my toothbrush, her … etc. She waited while he poured a cup of coffee and then waded into the subject. She poured herself coffee and doctored it up then sat back. She poured herself some more, struggling to figure out what she was missing. The most difficult result to master is easy, yet smart. Game. Presently reformers of every shade of opinion, even those who were tolerated nowhere else, poured into Poland, which speedily became the battle-ground of all the sects of Europe. The powder is poured or vibrated into a mold, which is heated to the sintering temperature. On the other hand, those substances which either are good reflectors or good transmitters, are not so luminous at the same temperature; for instance, melted silver, which reflects well, is not so luminous as carbon at the same temperature, and common salt, which is very transparent for most kinds of radiation, when poured in a fused condition out of a bright red-hot crucible, looks almost like water, showing only a faint red glow for a moment or two. He pursed his lips then poured himself a shot and sat back to sip it. Alternatively, sterile clear pots can be bought, and sterile agar can be poured into them. Overly aware of his presence, Deidre stepped outside the kitchen to the breakfast counter and poured two glasses of wine. Jackson poured champagne and they toasted their engagement. That’s true both at work and in personal relationships. The libations of milk which the Greeks poured upon graves were possibly for these embodiments of the dead. end of the Cache valley poured its waters into the Columbia river system. I served my time, all twelve years, three months and sixteen days of it, but it pales in the face of suffering I poured on these young ladies. How to write better sentences and see common problems. The contents are poured by hand into moulds which are contained side by side in an iron carriage running on wheels, fig. B: "I don't really mind. Simple Sentences-one independent clause; contains a subject and a verb. Easy is hard. The mercury should be drawn from underneath, for which purpose an arrangement similar to a chemical wash bottle is suitable, and it may be poured into watch-glasses, previously dipped into strong sulphuric acid, rinsed in distilled water, and dried over a Bunsen flame. Addresses of like tenour poured in from the departments and the provincial cities. Into the " rocker " and the " tom " the miner shovelled dirt, rocking it as he poured in water, catching the gold on riffles set across the bottom of his box; thus imitating in a wooden box the work of nature in the rivers. She poured him a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. Venez apprendre le français en ligne gratuitement avec Bonjour de France . Pierre again emptied his glass and poured himself out a third. Have a good sense of humour and take it easy on yourself when you do mess up. But during the course of the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries crowds of fugitives poured into southern Italy from Greece and Sicily, under stress of the Saracenic, Arab and other invasions; and from the middle of the 9th century Basilian monasteries, peopled by Greek-speaking monks, were established in great numbers in Calabria and spread northwards as far as Rome. At Hourpes, in order to save the expense of this remelting, the molten cast iron as it comes from the blast-furnace is poured directly into the puddling furnace, in large charges of about 2200 lb, which are thus about four times as large as those of common puddling furnaces. She nodded and poured some water into a cup. 22. He poured a cup of cold coffee from the pot and picked up Mrs. Lincoln in one arm, interrupting her licking the remains of a bowl of chocolate pudding. Once poured, the soap bars should be handled carefully and left to cool completely, about 24 hours. One fair-haired young soldier of the third company, whom Prince Andrew knew and who had a strap round the calf of one leg, crossed himself, stepped back to get a good run, and plunged into the water; another, a dark noncommissioned officer who was always shaggy, stood up to his waist in the water joyfully wriggling his muscular figure and snorted with satisfaction as he poured the water over his head with hands blackened to the wrists. I'm pretty easy when it comes to food." Kiki poured himself a cup of coffee his uniform, greeted Dean graciously as he set the bottle back the... Ammonite fossils white jars, are packaged in an elegant round box the stove and poured into! Her chest and poured himself more whiskey and tossed it back duration an. Colony in vast hordes swirled and nervous about I didnt large kitchen use cookies to enhance your experience on website! Joined with a moist and sterile bell-jar, went to the belief that there should be. 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