The changes to the Order specifically relates to the way that retail, employment and leisure uses are classified. It will address the issues set out in the table above, providing where appropriate the Councils initial views on constraints and where possible potential planning, design, mitigation, legacy and community benefit opportunities that align with wider strategies, objectives and policies for the Council area. These documents contain a. Policies map | Stroud District Council Our connectivity (both transport and digital) is a huge attraction to business. 28. Parishioners & Planning | Westerleigh Parish Council This will allow the council time to understand the potential impacts these changes may have. NDA Radioactive Waste Strategy Figure 2 explains the Waste Hierarchy: preferred approach is prevention, then minimisation, then reuse, then recycle and disposal only when necessary. You can access the document and information produced to support the Phase 1 document below. Therefore, proposals for the management and storage of radioactive waste would form part of any application for the project. Proposals for development where the primary function utilises, promotes or perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels, are considered to be in conflict with the policy and will not be acceptable. And in identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves, we hope to raise living standards for the most disadvantaged. This policy will be applied in consideration of both on and off-site issues, including impacts arising as a result of the transport of radioactive waste off site. Since adoption of the Core Strategy and PSP, we have begun to see new evidence, approaches and priorities emerge that will eventually require new planning policies. 4) Nature and public spacesBelow ground provision for trees within public realm, such as root protection and growth systems, is often needed to ensure the proper growth and longevity of the tree. The Local Plan, when complete, will determine the size and scale of new development across South Gloucestershire (including that in rural settlements and villages), over the next 15 years. Parking to fronts should be enhanced by the use of finer paving materials and attention to landscaping between spaces essentially creating good driveways. This masterplan should set the overall strategy for the site, and provide the context for more detailed development proposals. The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. The Local Development Guide was presented and adopted at Gloucestershire County Council's Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2021. This approach can have significant visual, community and conservation benefits. ecological crisis and inequalities within South Gloucestershire. Overarching climate change, design, green infrastructure and environment approaches; Housing, employment, retail, leisure and other commercial development; Waste, minerals and national projects like Power Stations. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) A layout, form and mix of uses is established which reduces resource requirements, both during construction and operation, and which contributes to the creation of compact and walkable neighbourhoods. Surveillance and overlooking into rear parking courts can be restricted by property boundaries meaning residents do not have a direct view of their vehicles. Pre-application engagement on these complex projects can require significant levels of officer input over many months or years for more complex projects. when there are predicted to be maximum numbers of e.g. Temporary buildings, structures and other infrastructure are removed, and/orii. These contributions will be negotiated as part of the planning process,including through section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy where appropriate. For example, we know we need to set a new strategy and policies for where new homes, jobs and infrastructure will go, to eventually replace existing policies like CS5 (Location of development), CS12 (Safeguarded areas for economic development), and our approach to town centres and high streets (Policies CS14 and PSP31). It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. The Accessibility Assessment can be used to justify a development sites departure from the prescribed parking standards set out in this policy and must be completed for developments within the urban zone. However, evidence [insert link] shows that costs are predicted to fall and other changes are expected to occur (for example, changes to the carbon factors used in the software (SAP) used for assessing compliance with Building Regulations) which will mean that it will become less costly to meet policy requirements. These documents contain a wide range of adopted planning policies, and will be used to determine planning applications until they are replaced. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches, Local Plan 2020 Opportunity for new planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 2 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Proposed Strategic Policies, Working Policy Title: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Working Policy Title: Energy Management in New Development, Working Policy Title: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy System, Working Policy Title: Creating well-designed places, Working Policy Title: Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, Working Policy Title: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and Related Development, Working Policy Title: Oldbury A Station- Decommissioning. By incorporating comprehensive mitigation and adaptation measures, it is possible for new development to contribute to meeting the targets referred to in the policy on climate change. More details about this emerging plan can be found here: South Glos. We also recognise that there are smaller cohorts of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic children and children from the gypsy and traveller community facing an even larger gap in attainment. As we publish this plan it has been an extraordinary and completely unprecedented six months for the country and for residents of South Gloucestershire. In order to have sufficient information to be able to assess the complex effects that can arise from NSIPs over the significant number of years of construction and operation, plans for monitoring of the effects of the project should be set out in the Environmental Statement. d) An appropriate level of space and facilities are provided and designed into the development for the sorting and storage of recyclable waste materials, the composting of household waste, and the collection of these and other waste materials; and. However, the Council considers that, in order to minimise impact of nuclear new build NNB on the locality it will be important where possible and practical to re-use the existing power station facilities and/or brownfield land and materials. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. Council offices. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) Buildings and public realm have been provided which have potential to be adaptable over time, to accommodate a range of uses and potential occupiers, being socially inclusive, accessible and tenure blind. Do you have any comments on the range and scope of policies we are proposing? Given the Councils role as a Local Planning Authority (LPA), pre-application enquiries, demolition notifications and planning applications relating to the decommissioning process are expected to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) during and beyond the Local Plan period. In considering proposals relating to radioactive waste the Council will have regard to other relevant guidance and policy including for example on the waste hierarchy, the proximity principle (see: Planning Portal definition of Proximity Principle), a masterplan for decommissioning the Oldbury site, as well as assessments of the potential impact in the wider community and environment, including those arising from alternative disposal routes. Transport infrastructure may need to be delivered early in the NNB implementation phase, in order to avoid unacceptable impacts on existing infrastructure. Proposals will be considered more favourably where they achieve 2 or more of the following criteria: a. Decommissioning involves activities such as the removal and temporary storage and/or disposal of hazardous waste such as asbestos and radioactive waste, the rationalisation of buildings and reuse of land for activities relating to of decommissioning, and the demolition of those that are no longer needed. In addition to a NSIP application, local authorities may be the decision maker for any elements of associated or related development not included within the main DCO application, and national policy will be a material consideration in determining these applications as appropriate. They have a role to play not just at the West of England scale but also at the local level, where they can provide a space-efficient alternative to driving, where walking, cycling and public transport trips are not possible. Stoke Gifford man ordered to pay over 1,500 following fly-tip in South Gloucestershire. Nuclear power stations are national infrastructure sites, hosted by local communities on behalf of the nation. The Assessment is expected to be undertaken by the developer as part of their Transport Assessment/Statement. The fourth part of the sequential approach is for renewable energy generation technologies to be incorporated into development proposals as much as possible as set out in Clause 1d. Non-strategic policies deal with detailed matters, like locational principles and place specific requirements. Therefore, specific minimum targets for energy efficiency and on-site measures are set out in Clauses 2 and 3. The Core Strategy, which contains the strategic policies for the area, was adopted in 2013. For example, a non-strategic policy may be a detailed policy for a specific area like Kingwood, where the Urban Lifestyles approach is being considered, or growth in a rural village or market town. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. This could include the provision of new facilities or the upgrading of existing. The policy must also acknowledge and reflect that we are in a period of transition, and help support the process of moving from established practices to the new approaches which will better support our sustainability objectives in the medium and longer term. f) The most appropriate and robust materials, street furniture and finishes have been utilised, to create a sense of place which has variety and interest, while not adding clutter within the street scene. The 10 characteristics (except built form and movement) have been grouped into related pairs: 1) Context local and wider context, heritage, local history and culture, 2) Identity creating and responding to local character and identity, 3) Built form compact development, appropriate building types and forms, destinations, 4) Movement integrated networks for all travel modes, hierarchy of streets, parking and utilities, 5) Nature green open spaces, landscape variety, play, water management, biodiversity, 6) Public spaces well-located and attractive spaces, safety, social interaction, 7) Uses uses mix, range of home tenures, types and sizes, socially inclusive, 8) Homes & buildings healthy, comfortable and safe, external amenity, detailing, waste provision, 9) Resources energy hierarchy, materials and techniques, maximise resilience, 10) Lifespan management and maintenance, adaptability, evolving technologies, sense of ownership. At the South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet meeting on 10 October 2022, an updated Local Plan Delivery Plan (LPDP) setting out future stages for preparation of our new Local Plan was approved.This sets out when future stages of Local Plan consultation are planned, including a next consultation in 2023 and a draft plan (Regulation 19 stage) in 2024.This document supersedes previous LPDP and other timelines. The contribution to the carbon offsetting fund set out under the fifth part of the sequence in Clause 1e should be used as a last resort where it is not possible to achieve sufficient on-site measures to reduce the carbon emissions by 100%. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? We have an ageing population but recognise that most people as they get older want to remain independent for as long as possible. Conservation Area Appraisals, Village Design Statements and The South Gloucestershire Landscape Character Assessment may, where available, in the vicinity of a development, also provide good sources of information that assist in discerning such distinctive local character. Housing developments must be tenure blind/inclusive, with the same attention to detail and use of high-quality materials and boundary treatments used in affordable housing provision as market housing. This is necessary to ensure that heating systems are decarbonised and move away from fossil fuel systems (i.e. Area Specific: Planning for the North Fringe of the Bristol Urban Area. This Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation is the first step in preparing the Local Plan 2020.Follow the links below to read each chapter of the plan on this website, or scroll down to download the whole document as a pdf file. We must re-double our efforts to promote equality of opportunity and build cohesive communities. The North Fringe spans from Cribbs Causeway to the east, to Junction 16 of the M5 to the north, all the way to Junction 19 of the M4 for the M32. They are currently defined in policy PSP11 Transport Impact Management, the proposed new policy will eventually replace PSP11. And fulfilling the functions of enforcement authority. Appropriate monitoring arrangements and adequately resourced Management and Delivery Plans for both the Construction and Operational phases of NSIPs will be required to ensure that socio-economic, transport and environmental objectives are met during both construction and operation. Further information on the SGC Accessibility Assessment calculation will be brought forward through a revised Parking Standards SPD. For example, given the need to raise awareness of business opportunities to ensure that local companies can meet the requirements of the nuclear industry; as well as the need to ensure the availability of suitably qualified workforce both for construction and operation, early engagement in the pre-application phase will be required in respect of eduction, training, skills and supply chain strategies. Updated technical guidance will be prepared by the Council to accompany the policy and explain how we expect applicants to demonstrate that their development proposals comply with the policy requirements. However it is not a replacement for the provision of infrastructure to promote other modes of transport such as walking/cycling and public transport services. We also want to open up new channels of communication, both digitally and through our face to face engagement and service interactions so we can reach all of our residents. Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), 59. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. The emerging policy on radioactive waste is also of particular relevance to the development of a masterplan for decommissioning. 6) Resources and lifespanThe conservation of natural resources, including land, water, energy and materials in buildings and development, will form part of the strategy to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, helping to provide well-designed places over the longer-term. For residential development, two policy options are presented to achieve net zero carbon. The design process should be supported by a range of design tools, including well-considered and informative design and access statements which include context and character appraisals, design review panels, masterplans, and design codes. The public consultation on our plan to introduce restrictions on the rights of homeowners to convert existing housing into houses in multiple occupation in the Stoke Park and Cheswick ward, and parts of the Filton ward closed on 31 January 2023. The greater focus and specific action plans that flow from the Council Plan will accelerate our work and highlight where we can take further positive steps to protect and enhance our natural environment, delivering improvements to residents health and wellbeing and show that economic regeneration can enable people and nature to thrive. Policy Option 1: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated energy use;or Policy Option 2: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated and unregulated energy use. Any proposal to dispose of such waste on site will require planning consent as well as consent from the Environment Agency. priorities set out in the Council Plan (adopted 2020); declaration of a Climate Emergency on 17 July 2019; the Covid-19 pandemic and the impacts this has had on communities, the health services and the economy; updates to the National Planning Policy Framework in 2019 with more expected to come forward in the next few years; there have been, and will continue to be, updates to National Planning Policy Guidance which supports the NPPF; and. The interim storage of radioactive waste and spent fuel on site forms an integral part of the operation and decommissioning of any nuclear power station and associated facilities. The key risks of climate change have been identified as coming from flooding, coastal change, high temperatures and new pests and diseases. EA guidance as per footnote 2 sets out examples of reuse, including filling voids on site or forming bunds/landscaping. Given the location of the existing power station on the edge of the Severn Estuary and surrounded by low-lying Levels, and the timeframes involved with decommissioning, resilience to flood and climate change will be important considerations for both decommissioning and planning relating to radioactive waste. role as consultee on the DCO and the preparation of a Local Impact Report;iii. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. Flood riskExtensive areas subject to flood risk. Through our active role in the West of England Combined Authority and the Western Gateway powerhouse, we have demonstrated how we can work effectively with neighbouring authorities and others to deliver improved outcomes for the wider region. For all developments, (except residential developments and those where there is no on-site car parking provision proposed) provision should be made for motorcycles and powered two wheelers equal to 3% of the number of car parking spaces required. Providing specific parking provision for powered two wheelers allows a more efficient use of the parking area as otherwise car parking spaces will be less efficiently used. Urban Lifestyles is an emerging approach for South Gloucestershire, and is explained and set out in more detail in section 6 of the Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation document. Select any property or area of the District and find out about planning policies and planning restrictions that affect it. Meeting the needs of our Gypsy/ Traveller & TravellingShowpeoplecommunities, 8. South Gloucestershire New Local Plan Phase 1 Responses This is above the national average (8.0) and the same as the South West average (also 8.7). To do this, we have set out an overarching policy on climate change, which aims to ensure that climate change is considered at the beginning of the decision making process when the concept of a new development, including its location and design, is considered. Consequently, whilst it is not a Development Plan document or a Supplementary Planning Document, it is a . 5) Uses, homes and buildingsDevelopments at any scale must function well and create positive and adaptable living environments. 1) Context and identityDevelopment proposal(s) must demonstrate an understanding of, and respond constructively to the building and landscape characteristics that make a particularly positive contribution to the distinctiveness and identity of the area. We will continue to work with our partners on the West of England Combined Authority to drive investment in our town centres, following the approach currently being taken in Kingswood, the North Fringe and Yate, ensuring supporting infrastructure keeps up with the pace of development through enhancements to Metrobus, cycling infrastructure and rail services. We want to make sure that where our new Local Plan can tackle the issues and address priorities for the area, we have effective policies in order to do so. a) minimise end user energy requirements over and above those required by Building Regulations (at the time of full planning or reserved matters approval) through energy efficiency measures by at least 10%, or, achieve any higher standard that is required under national planning policy; and thenb) reduce carbon dioxide emissions by maximising the use of renewable energy generation sources on site and achieve an overall on-site reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from regulated energy use of at least 50%, unless the development includes flats where a 35% reduction is acceptable (for that part of the site only). An example of this is our current work with the South Gloucestershire Tec Arc, a cluster of world-leading business and research institutions from the Bristol and Bath Science Park and National Composites Centre at Emersons Green, through the University of the West of England and Bristol Robotics Laboratory at Frenchay to the aerospace and engineering businesses of the Filton Enterprise Area. The neighbourhoods that are within walkable distance of key facilities and services; are adjacent to key public transport hubs including UWE, Cribbs Causeway, Yate shopping centre or within ideal walking distance of rail stations with good services to key destinations, will be considered for reduced minimum car parking provision as the choice of travel options favours non-car travel. Evidence of climate change mitigation should be submitted to demonstrate how development proposals:a) Are to be built with materials, and construction methods, that have a low carbon footprint; andb) Are located in areas where the need to travel is minimised, the use of the private car is minimised irrespective of fuel source, and opportunities for using sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport, are optimised (in line with the approach in existing policies CS8 and PSP11); andc) Minimise energy consumption through efficiency measures at building and site level; andd) Use renewable and/or low carbon sources of heating systems; ande) Maximise passive cooling measures, and meet residual cooling demand sustainably; andf) Optimise renewable and/or low carbon energy generation; andg) Incorporate infrastructure and technology to facilitate low carbon living and working. Where possible, our priority is to prioritise development where it supports regeneration of existing town centres, high streets and communities and promotes the sustainability of existing services. It was also clear that whilst the fundamental priorities for the coming years will remain constant, our approach to meeting them will remain responsive and as such, this is a live and evolving document.Specifically, you have told us that you would like to see how the Plan supports our response to the Climate Emergency and the growing inequality gaps in our society. These plans will continue to evolve to ensure they remain relevant in a time when change and uncertainty has become a constant. We have needed to find new ways to deliver services during the Covid-19 outbreak, some of which have highlighted better and more efficient ways of working. It must meet the needs of all users, including visitors and people with disabilities. Meet residual cooling demand renewably through: Set out projected annual energy demands for regulated energy use heating, cooling, hot water, lighting and power from the proposed development using the target emissions rate (from current Building Regulations Part L standards at the time of full planning or relevant reserved matters approval); and, Set out the projected annual energy demands for unregulated energy use from the proposed development; and, Show how total projected annual energy demands have been reduced via energy efficiency measures, and set out the carbon dioxide emissions associated with the remaining energy demand and the % emissions saving that will be achieved; and, Set out the choice of sustainable heating/cooling systems and how these have been selected, and the residual carbon dioxide emissions that the development will generate after energy efficiency and sustainable heating/cooling have been taken into account; and, Demonstrate how the incorporation of on-site renewable energy has been maximised to offset residual carbon dioxide emissions; and. Waste storage and collection must be carefully considered in any form of development, but waste provision in residential developments in particular, must be well-integrated, visually appealing, and functional.
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