Australian National Radiation Dose Register (ANRDR), The Australian National Radiation Dose Register, Occupational Radiation Exposure (ORE) for medical facilities, National Directory for Radiation Protection, National Diagnostic Reference Level Service (NDRLS), Survey of residential power frequency magnetic fields, Australian national diagnostic reference levels for MDCT - ADULT, Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy and Health: Research Needs (TR 178), Radiation emergency preparedness and response, Australasian Radioanalytical Laboratory Network, Early notification and assistance conventions, Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network, ARPANSA EME Program Action Plan 2020-2024, Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council, Roles and expectations for advisory bodies, Child Safe Framework compliance statement, Senate Procedural Order of continuing effect No. Corrections? Monday - Friday: 9-5 CSTSaturday & Sunday: CLOSED, Blushield Global USAPO Box 28130Gladstone MO 64188USA, Scalar Energy, Biology, and Consciousness, Scalar Energy & EMFs What You Need To Know, study that was done that applied longitudinal fields to plants,,,,,,,,, EMFs Deplete Melatonin, and Protective Effects of Melatonin from EMF Harm, Tips for Air Travel & Road Trips with Blushield, All About Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. In fact they're also known as stationary wave. In fact most designs for scalar wave detectors take this approach. These transverse waves are not the only energy that makes up each electromagnetic field. This store requires javascript to be enabled for some features to work correctly. Dr. Hunt was the first to discover that bio-scalar energy can be consciously created inside the body. 75 kg + 15 kg = 90 kg. The waves wouldn't interact with any type of machine. Well, in some cases that may be necessary. It was previously believed that these sheaths only provided insulation and protection, but it turns out that the sheath cells that surround the nerve cells are the exact location of the electrical currents that move through the nervous system! This means that if something does trigger the experiment, then it must be a type of energy that can penetrate the Faraday cage - something it is believed scalar waves can do. Heres a description of how that works: By themselves, scalar waves are not inherently good or inherently evil; its better to think of them as neutral. The work done on a particle by a force, for example, is a negative number when the particle moves in a direction opposite to that in which the force acts, such as when the frictional force slows down a moving body. Lets compare longitudinal waves to transverse waves, to see how theyre different. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The next day the researcher noticed what some might describe as poltergeist activity. Scalars and Vectors - Physics Classroom Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. They believe that a scalar wave can be created when two transverse waves come together that are out of phase. This will give you the best possible energy. Let us assume that a lady drives her car at a speed of 30 kmph and reaches her hometown in 2 hrs and if she drives at 50 kmph, she reaches in 1.5 hr. One researcher summed the paradox up nicely on a forum. An important reason to define it this way is that |B|cos is the projection of the vector B on the . He created two essential theories, both of which weve already covered to some extent above: The person that brought the most attention to scalar waves was Nikola Tesla, who worked as a mechanical engineer and was also an expert mathematician. ARPANSA has assessed that the whole body radiation dose to an individual wearing one of these pendants is likely to be low. This matches our description of a scalar wave, but its uses as a scalar wave would be limited since its confined to a capacitor or stored in a system. That is to say, the two waves are physically identical, but 180 0 out of phase in terms of time. What is Scalar Energy? - Senergy Wellness Group Plus reviews of ghost hunting television shows, and the latest on supernatural movie and documentary releases. Since the scalar energy treatment, is produced by your therapist; youll wind up with a professional in control of your scalar energy. Your professional therapist will ensure that the electrical charge you receive from the energy-producing device is at optimal levels, and then generate an electrical charge that will reach throughout all your cell membranes. However, despite many benefits, some people still find the idea of scalar waves for healing hard to grasp. Mass can be represented by a number only. blog - Quantum Resonance Generating & Detecting Scalar Waves & Their - Higgypop Paranormal What the vast majority of sources refer to as electromagnetic fields are acknowledging only one part of the field, known as the transverse component. Weight is a vector quantity. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Despite this, scalar theory researchers say that if you cancel out the electromagnetic signals, all you have left is the scalar information, which means the wave only has an amplitude, not a direction. These arent just any types of cancer by far the most common cancers that have been found from excessive, prolonged use of cell phones is gliomas of the brain, and Schwannomas of the heart. Energy and Power Units: The Basics | Greentech Media You can find out more about scalar energy and healing, and the healing universe here. Scalar function in a function that returns one single value. What Is Scalar Energy and What Are Its Benefits? - Thrive Global Articles and resources to help you intentionally live your best life. As Becker found through experimentation, and detailed in his book, all nerve cells are surrounded by protective sheaths. Scalars and Vectors - NASA However, that doesnt mean you cant receive the benefits of scalar energy. The counting efficiencies of the 238 U series for these measurement conditions was 1.1% for 214 Pb (351.8 . The scalar quantity of distance measures the ground covered by movement, but displacement measures how far it has moved from its original location. The apparatus is in a Faraday cage so it cannot be affected by external sources or radio interference since a Faraday cage blocks all electromagnetic waves. These particles are still bound by the laws of physics even in this formation, but if scalar does represent an undiscovered branch of science, then this might explain how scalar waves could behave in this way. These nerve sheath cells are called glial cells in the brain and central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. Conventional methods can't measure it because they don't stay in a measurable form. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Many people are familiar with kilogram calories, which are often used to measure the energy available in food. Power BI DAX Back to Basics: Scalar Vs. Tabular Functions interactions with scalar energy-cellular mechanisms of action keywords . This value can be of any data type; Date, Numeric, Text, etc. All Rights Reserved. What Are Nikola Tesla's Scalar Waves? - Life Energy Solutions They consist of a magnet or electromagnet mounted inside of a Faraday cage. Scalar Wave Generator - Soundswest This is probably the best theory in regards to scalar waves, but scientific evidence to support it is weak and verges into the dubious realm of zero point energy. The scalar energy emitted from this gives out a zero-point energy of unlimited potential; this field neutralises chaotic incoming signals from the environment, thereby allowing our cells to utilise their own innate wisdom for self-healing. One researcher commenting online likened the relationship between electromagnetic waves and scalar waves to that of wind and air. Scalar energy as a part of the EMF wave is five times more powerful than the transverse energy. Fresh And Alive Scalar Energy Home Shield - Improved Version! Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping outside 70-90 millivolts - when healthy. This is great for monitoring results! A new era in Science was born. Defining scalar waves and examining whether artificially generated waves could cause paranormal phenomenon, or are scalar fields a detectable result of genuine paranormal activity? It can even be seen as a form of time reversal, in that the original state, or design, of something can be once again achieved turning back the hands of time. Scalar waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. Blood is cleansed and its cellular elements function as they should. Because scalar energy is so challenging to measure, scientists would rather dismiss it than invest in figuring out an accurate scalar energy measurement. His research lead him to scalar wave theory. Internationally, some scalar energy products, particularly mattresses, have been shown to increase exposure greater than the public dose limit. Just as scalar fields can be generated intentionally by devices producing opposite phase EM waves that meet and cancel each other out, this also occurs naturally when similar frequency waves in the environment meet from two different vectors. We will be covering more detailed mechanics and behavior of scalar fields, and then go into how it relates to our own biology, and even consciousness and awareness itself! 1. However, the problem with this model according to mainstream science is the confusing phenomenon of waveparticle duality. Interestingly, with his focus on measurable frequencies (even with extremely sensitive instruments), its very likely he was not at all aware of the scalar aspect of electromagnetism. Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. Scalar energy frequency can enhance, protect, motivate, and balance an individual's autonomic nervous system (ANS) because it helps reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. To gain a true understanding of the properties of a scalar wave, we'd have to know how they are formed. These waves do not move in the same up/down motion as transverse waves. You could think of these compressions and rarefactions, moving through time, like the beating of a heart (with its contractions and dilatations) or the rhythm of our breath. However, wearing pendants continuously can result in an elevated skin dose due to beta radiation, and limiting exposure should be considered. You can't do that in a calculated column or a measure. Step 2: Software. including zero point energy, emf protection, scalar energy, far-infrared, magnets, crystals and more. Scalar/longitudinal waves move along the axis of time itself, which you can understand intuitively by the fact that the field persists as time goes on. Step 1: the Amazing Scalar Waves When the receiver goes into resonance, we see on this video at the same time the leftled turn on, and right led is off. Think physical regeneration and anti-aging; restoration of a more youthful state! This is because they are pressure waves that travel through a medium, like the air, water, or a solid object. Ads can be a pain, but they are our only way to maintain the server. The SW is the extension of the Maxwell's equation part that we call the More Complete . Scalar Quantities: The physical quantities which are specified with the magnitude or size alone are scalar quantities. Inside your ear the air vibrates your ear drum and you hear the sound. This oscillating electric field always produces a resulting magnetic field, which occurs perpendicular to the electric field - moving side to side, instead of up and down. Beckers most pressing unanswered question seems to be how to induce considerable regenerative capability in the human body. So, it might be possible for mediums or those who are sensitive to be able to consciously or subconsciously pick up on scalar energy. Thats unfortunate because many of the individuals that know about its existence and benefits, regard it as one of the best scientific discoveries of all time. This is why in space no one can hear you scream, because there's no air to transmit the sound. There are ways to generate scalar fields intentionally for specific purposes. This calculation will return one single value. However, a lack of scientific evidence doesn, Scalar energy is safe. Thats because its the only frequency thats measurable since it exists in the physical world. [7] Scalar Waves For Healing (2022 Guide) | Scalar Therapy Balance both hemispheres of the brain (known as super-learning) Catalyze heightened states of awareness and creativity. When we pass the scalar information through a lower dimensional object, that object then takes on part of the scalar transmission. Weight is Scalar or Vector? Nikola Tesla had planned to use scalar energy as a wave carrier for telecommunications, for example, the radio. Scalar within the paranormal world is even more specialist with just a handful of investigators experimenting with it. Solution - Scalar Energy - Quantum Science - Nikolai A. Kozyrev So, who knows where this field of research is heading. Additionally, your blood gets a cleanse so that your cells function at full strength again. Finally got around to doing this video. B.F.I.T. - Biometric Frequency Infusion Technology scalar, a physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude. Some animals naturally have pretty extraordinary regenerative abilities, such as salamanders, newts and zebrafish, but in all experiments so far, humans dont seem to have this capability in more than very limited circumstances. Since the scalar energy treatment, is produced by your therapist; you. Transverse waves, as the materially manifest motion of photons (a form of light), move at the speed of light. It consists of four wires twisted together into a single strand with a 45 degree corkscrew. Although our modern EMF meters cannot measure scalar energy, the phenomenon can be documented in other ways, through the effects it has in the material world. In fact, you'd have a better chance of achieving the desired effect with a normal two core electrical cable. True Scalar - The Advanced Scalar Device for Every Home In 1980, Vic Tandy, an experimental officer and part-time lecturer in the school of international studies and law at Coventry University in the UK, was working alone late one night in a lab, which has a reputation of being haunted. Advertisement ‐ Content Continues Below. So, most of the scalar generators you see online are actually scalar field generators rather than scalar wave generators. While thats disappointing, as scalar energy provides so many benefits, it should be examined. The electromagnetism that we know so much about has frequencies, wave action and motion that . Instead, scalar waves are known to exist on the axis of time. Velocity is the rate at which the position changes. A light bulb emits photons of light. Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Nikolai A. Kozyrev was correct in affirming that the spiraling energy of the universe was indeed scalar energy and that this primal force in the universe served to assemble and sustain the stars as well as all of creation. It turned out this low frequency wave was being generated by an extractor fan. And thus, it has many different names depending on the culture, the time, etc. Scalar Product of Two Vectors. Speed versus Velocity - The Physics Classroom These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The remainder of this lesson will focus on several examples of vector and scalar quantities (distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration). It is given by the amount of force exerted on an object, due to a gravitational force. 2022 Life Energy Solutions. Scalar quantities - Scalar and vector quantities - BBC Bitesize Valerie_Hunt_Publications - As you already know if you have read our educational material about the harms of manmade repetitive EMF sources, one notable harmful effect of EMFs is increased incidence of certain types of cancer. One calorie is the amount of energy needed to . However, we think this term is acceptable, and can be correctly used because a scalar (in physics) is a quantity that is fully described by magnitude alone, versus a vector quantity, which includes both a magnitude and a direction. . Its quite easy for your body to transfer scalar energys benefits, meaning its easy for scalar therapy to transfer the scalar wave from the energy-producing device into the cell. Scalar energy is said to promote healing in our bodies with the help of subtle energy frequencies. Human thought emits various complex frequencies that alter the electrical signals in the brain and body. All rights reserved. Examples of Vector and Scalar Quantity in Physics Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The scalar energy can pass straight through a object in 3D because it is traveling at a higher dimension. Scalar Energy and Healing | Life Energy Solutions This lead him to the discovery that the blade was being manipulated by an invisible standing infrasound wave travelling through the air in the lab. However, that doesn, t receive the benefits of scalar energy. Such attempts are for example the Jordantheory[6]as a generalization of the Kaluza-Klein theoryand the Brans-Dicke theory. energy - eg 2,000 joules (J) . It may be that the synchronization of the brain hemispheres creating a scalar field is the underlying mechanism of how meditation works! It should be pretty easy to tell if this sort of coil is working properly as the magnetic field generated by a coil will affect a compass. Created by Sal Khan. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. energy - What is it and what is the nature of scalar quantity This system runs every single function of our bodies, including growth, healing, and even regeneration in certain instances. What Is Scalar Energy - Scalar Light Subscribe for updates and tips on how you can intentionally live your best life. Transverse waves contain an electric field that moves up and down, and each up/down cycle moves at a certain speed, depending on the frequency (cycles per second, or hertz). We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, their cultures, and to Elders past and present. Also, by undergoing scalar therapy sessions, your chemical bonds within your DNA will become stronger so that they can resist damage more easily. Bifilar is nothing new or exotic, bifilar wire can be purchased in readymade reels. Just like two opposite poles of a magnet, the wires will repel each other. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Therefore, its no surprise, and certainly not a coincidence, that most of the cancers from overexposure to EM radiation specifically arise in the cells where the bodys own electricity moves. In most cases, we need two numbers to describe a field at any given point in space and time. We know this because of experiments conducted with light. It is even said that it is the technology that Extra Terrestrials use! PDF Interactions With Scalar Energy-cellular Mechanisms of Action Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal),Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Balance both hemispheres of the brain (super-learning) Promote heightened states of creativity and awareness. Updates? They also have the potential to be used as a power source. (PDF) Scalar Waves: Theory and Experiments 1 - ResearchGate By existing in the fourth dimension, instead, scalar waves can thus move more rapidly than the speed of light, making them superluminal. Because scalar energy is so challenging to measure, scientists would rather dismiss it than invest in figuring out an accurate scalar energy measurement. The current is still flowing through the cable like normal and the field being generated outside the cables have been annihilated. Scalar energy is the predominant energy in the universe. What is Scalar Energy - Orgone Energy Australia All life forms produce their own electromagnetic energy, which couples with (and guides) the chemical messengers in the nervous system, in what could be considered a living electrochemical system. How Is Energy Measured? | KQED In other terms, a scalar is a measure of quantity. When we multiply a scalar quantity by a number, we obtain the same scalar quantity but with a larger (or smaller) value. However, if you could read a scalar wave, its component would equal 1000 milligauss. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Mass is Scalar or Vector? Select the Spooky2 Scalar Digitizer Hunt and Kill Slave preset, and then go to the Settings tab. Please don't put more than 9V of electricity through . The Ultimate Guide to Healing with Scalar Waves Scalars are described by real numbers that are usually but not necessarily positive. Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and behaves in the same way as the waves we are talking about. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So, its been known for a while. Our thoughts and intentions may be working directly with the scalar energy inside our atomic nuclei, by changing the information frequencies that our scalar fields hold, which ripples out to affect our body as a whole. This post copyright 2020-2023 Blushield USA. The result is. Scalar therapy also reduces feelings associated with habitual actions that are negative while promoting relaxation and detoxifying an individuals cells. Entropy is the force of gradual decay, disorder and energy loss over time, which is commonly believed to be a universal law. The current scientific understanding is that two identical waves converging out of phase would be annihilated, this is called destructive interference. The physical quantities which have only magnitude are known as scalar quantities. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Scalars can be manipulated by the ordinary laws of algebra. . Transverse waves provide a variety of movement, including: More than likely, you are using transverse waves right now; you cant see them. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Travel faster than the speed of light. When it comes to scalar energy, there is a lack of scientific evidence existing nowadays to either prove or disprove the safety of scalar energy. The average speed is the distance (a scalar quantity) per time ratio. Scalar wave was found and used at first by Nikola Tesla in his wireless energy transmission experiment. Examples of scalars are volume, density, speed, energy, mass, and time. By understanding them we could learn how to constructively utilize them to stabilize our planet during periods of solar fluctuations, sun spots, flares, etc. FOR QUERIES AND INTERESTED BUYERS=====LOOK FOR: Lalaine B. ReyesFB: kreaxlz@yahoo.comMOBILE: (+. In this example, G1 is Port 36 and G2 is Port 37. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Newer post . The mass of an object is unaffected by a change of vector space basis so it is also a physical scalar, described by a real number as an element of the real number field. Scalar therapy is comparable to recharging a lithium battery because suddenly, youll feel refreshed and recharged. Also, since they don't exist in the third dimension in the same way that matter does, they move through the empty space between all matter. As the term longitudinal suggests, they move parallel to the direction of propagation, not perpendicular to it. To expand on that definition we need to go back to basics and talk about the different types of waves. His lab was exactly half as long as the wavelength of the sound and his desk was in the centre of the room, which created a standing wave which caused the vibration of the fencing foil. The items utilized in scalar therapy relate to quantum energy and quantum science. . Scalar energy frequency can enhance, protect, motivate, and balance an individuals autonomic nervous system (ANS) because it helps reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. This model often gets called paired longitudinal electromagnetic waves, but it's not a transversewave since the mechanism of the wave is still a stream of particles rather than a vibration through a solid medium. Tesla also believed that if humans could learn how to contain the power of scalar energy, wed have limitless possibilities and boundless energy. The Scalar Sweep Frequency Generator has all of the features of a lab grade frequency generator. Scalar therapy also reduces feelings associated with habitual actions that are negative while promoting relaxation and detoxifying an individual's cells. Let's consider two vector quantities A and B.
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