PMC part mission capable
QRFI quick reaction fleet improvement (includes
OBE overcome by events
MATE multiband automated test equipment
DWSMT defensive weapons system maintenance trainer
SSAG auxiliary submarine
NCCPM navy command & control process model
FYDP five year defense plan, G/B gearbox
LAT lateral
ID interface diagram
TRG target
PMCM part mission capable maintenance
IRST infrared search and track system
JSSS jvx (v-22) simulation support software
SDL software development library
IRAC international requirements & criteria
ABC analog backup computer
SRB safety review board
JILSP joint integrated logistic support plan
HMD helmet mounted display
ABL allocated baseline
IPS ice protection system
DDN design decision notice
CFET centrifuge-based flight environment trainer
PS pressure switch
PA public address
PPC powerplant change (tdc 02)
MSO minesweepers (ocean)
QRM quick response modification
PSIG pounds per square inch gauge
BW bandwidth
LPOIL low oil pressure
CCS command and control system
LPOILR low oil pressure right
MTV message translation & validation
TA terrain avoidance
EDU electrical drive unit
X3H4 framework convergence working group
PD program director
MATCALS marine air traffic control and landing system
—-#4) Follow this link for how to socially address a military couple. RAC rapid action change
JVX joint services vertical lift aircraft experimental, KCAS knots calibrated airspeed
MSI minesweeper, inshore (mine countermeasures)
These service-specific abbreviations are standard usage within the armed services. CBCR change board commitment record
MFOV medium field of view
PDD program design description
SACG selective antenna coupler group
PG page
LSSC light seal support craft (special warfare)
DRAMA digital radio and multiplexer acquisition
I/O input/ouput
CSAR combat search and rescue
SSWG system safety working group
SML support material list
HIFR hover inflight refueling
ALC alternate logistic support analysis control number
ESGN electrically suspended gyro navigator (an/wsn-3(v))
VSD vertical situation display
MTBMCF mean time between mission critical failures
VOC volts open circuit
FCDSSA fleet combat directorate systems support activity
FLOLS fresnel lens optical landing system
AMP acquisition management plan
HPM high power microwave
MILSTD military standard
DWNLD download
MUTE multiplex unit for transmission elimination
APADE automated purchase and accounting data entry
MAN manual
ADI attitude director indicator
MAD magnetic anomaly detection (asw)
DASC direct air support center
SEMATECH a consortium
DTC design to cost
BFCU blade fold control unit
FTP file transfer protocol
Q/I question/issue
SASTS submarine advanced signal training system
SAT system acceptance testing
CALC calculated
FSK frequency shift keying
ENV envelope
The following abbreviation and acronym list, containing over 3,000 entries was originally donated to TECNET by the Naval Training Systems Command (NTSC) in Orlando Florida. SJAG software engineering environment (see) joint activities group
TSS training system software
REQ required
PFCS primary flight control system
NTP navy training plan
YRBM repair, berthing and messing barge (non self-propelled)(misc)
O/O outboard/outboard
VTXTS undergraduate jet flight training program sys
STR software test report
PM preventative maintenance
UMTS universal maintenance training system
LBL left butt line
NAVSUPFAC naval supply facility
SSMP supply support management plan
IPSC ice protection system controler
SHPL shp left
RMR remote map reader
VSLED vibration structural life and engine diagnostics
WFER wfe right
YFNB large covered lighter (non self-propelled)
IDE interactive development environments
SEAS surveillance environ acoustic supp
RDBMS relational data base management system
PRR production revision request
CBD commerce business daily
YOG gasoline barge (self-propelled)(tanker)
NMC naval material command
IRMO information resources management officer
PSL problem statement language
POFA programmed operational & functional appraisal
SSR software specification review
HIRP harpoon imaging infrared program
ISD instructional systems development
DRS doppler radar system
FFRDC federally funded research & development center
DT&E development test and evaluation
CDIF case date interchange format (eia effort)
INAV inertial navigation
COPS II computer oriented partial sum (beam former)
RDSS rapidly deployable surveillance system
PDSS post deployment software support
JMASS joint-modeling and simulation system
TTT team tactics trainer
FADECAR fadec, channel a, right engine
CNR chief of naval research
TMDC technical manual data card
FAT file access table
PCC procurement contracting office
SKIPPER weapon system
AEO all engines operating
ACC aircrew change (tdc 66)
PJM project manager (ntsc)
PP point to point
OFIBL oil filter impending bypass left
NIPC nacelle ice protector controller
ADDR address
VSI vertical speed indicator
DCC dynamic component change (tdc 51)
CAGE commercial and government entity (formerly -fscm)
YCV aircraft transportation lighter (non selfpropelled)
NMDAS navy manpower data accounting system
JTMS jvx (v-22) test and maintenance software
BCN beacon
NACLANG nacelle angle
We are proud to list acronym of SIL in the largest database of abbreviations and acronyms. PROPTIP proprotor tip
COSAL consolidated shipboard allowance list
TSTAs tailored ship training availabilites
NAC naval administrative command
RR rejection report
TLWR top level (warfare) requirements
military, I wouldn't know - journalistic shorthand - possibly, but its NOT even remotely common in widely used gaming slang. PMS program management system
PMP project master plan
IU interface unit
RIG reuse library interoperability group
SATCOM satellite communications
11 definitions of SIL. SIG GND signal ground
WSF weapon system file
LHA amphibious helicopter assault carrier
FTP functional test procedure
C<E cost and lead time estimate
MCTCA navy meterology and calibration program
IR infrared
GTIP g-tolerance improvent program
SRVM specification requirements verification matrix
OBIGGS onboard inert gas generating system
SEQ sequence
EAB emergency air breathing (comm sys for submarines)
CAS calibrated airspeed
INRGL ignition request left engine
BIT binary digit
SQL squelch
CNI comm/nav/iff
IMCT intermodule compatibility testing
CAMP common ada missile packages
RILSD resident integrated logistics support detachment
OW operating wing
INCOMPLT incomplete
MLG main landing gear
DLA defense logistics agency
UM unit of measure
NATOPS naval air training and operational procedures standardization
PPIL parts provisioning index list
DSB defense science board
NDI non destructive inspection
TARPS tactical airborne reconnaissance program system
CCA circuit card assembly
DISP dispenser
it IS a shorthand, but abbreviation is usually structured differently and does not call for phoenetic pronounciation of the letters to understand the word. NAVDAF navy data automation facilities
MGTR measured gas temperature right
CS/FP contractor support/full provisioning
MOD modification
MLS multilevel secure
MEM memory
BEST base engineering support, technical
TPECP trainer peculiar engineering change proposal
NOE nape of the earth
DDU digital data unit
J/S jam-to-signal
CSU communications switching unit
SCCB software configuration control board
CLAMS countermeasures launcher modular system
FPM feet per minute
SSDD system/segment design document
MAC maintenance allocation chart
What does SIL stand for? AME aviation metalsmith (environmental control syst)
WBS work breakdown structure (mil-std 881)
FOR field of regard
OAC objective assignment chart
PTA proposed technical approach
SQL standard query language
CCL command control language
HM/HS hardness maintenance/hardness surveillance
BL butt line
QC quality control
RESOLV resolver
RBL right butt line
BHT bell helicopter textron
TM technical manual
ADPSO automatic data processing security officer
HP hewlett packard
FAT free air temperature
AIPF anti-ice valve position failure
ERSE erase
PM program manager
IRIG inertial rate integrating gyrominter
SDMS shipboard data multiplex system
BLOCK contiguous bytes of digital computer storage (512,1024)
USAF Academy Acronym List Parents can get very confused when their cadets call home and talk in Acronyms. NOSC naval ocean systems center
TE training equipment (device)
CPS computer process system
DCASMA defense contratcts administration systems agency
FANFARE navy torpedo countermeasures sys for ships
Just type out baby. PGRDS prototype generic radar display system
CCB change control board
TMMT technical manual management team
SVT system validation test
MESM mission essential subsystem matrix
R&M reliability and maintainability
CHURCH-EYE over-the-horizon radar
ODA office document architecture
AIVP anti-ice valve position
COD carrier on-board delivery
QDMM quantitative debris monitor maintenance alert status
EPAD entry pad
VX best angle of climb speed
EXPS expanding squares
SSI structural significant item
IRGP infrared guided projectile weapon system 5"
P4 burner discharge total pressure
TTE technical training equipment (tactical/operational)
STR software trouble report
NORPAX north pacific experiement
FAT first article testing
RVL rolling vertical landing
MRAALS marine remote area landing system
T/F terrain following
EMT elapsed maintenance time
IM information model
TEWDS tactical electronic warfare deception system
PRV pressure regulator valve
RPU rotor phasing unit
NSN national stock number
BIU bus interface unit
KW kilowatt(s), L left
HDG heading
JLC joint logistics commanders
FFS force feel system
TECD training equipment change directive
DIFAR directional frequency and ranging (asw)
API armor piercing incendiary
UI unit of issue
AHRS attitude heading reference system
PPL provisioning parts list
ICS intercommunication control system
MDTS mcdonnell doughlas training systems
NAV/COM navigation/communication
AFSC air force systems command
CV aircraft carrier
DID data item description
DELT delta
NAVMAT naval material command (disestablished 85)
DWSTT defensive weapons system team trainer, E-SLCSE slcse commercialization effort
YOS oil storage barge (non self-propelled) (lighter)
CHAFFROC chaff dispensing rocket
B/U backup
SADT structured analysis and design techniques
BRU boresight reticle unit
STR store
PCI product configuration identification
EME electromagnetic environment
CIDS critical item development specification
KVA kilovolt-amps
LSI large scale integrated circuits
NEDALS navy engineering data asset locator system
BLK black
CA gun cruiser
DSI delivered source instruction
BUNO bureau number (navy acft id number)
PGTS precision gunnery training system
CCO contract change order
ACMS air combat maneuvering simulator
AGP patrol craft tender (misc)
MOSS mobile submarine simulator system
DPS data processing subsystem
CNAVRES chief of naval reserve
GPETE general purpose electronic test equipment
SIL's commitment to see people flourishing using the languages they value most. FFG guided missile frigate
OPTN option
IOP input/output processor
AFSC air force speciality code
CEP circular error probable
NAVMACS naval modular automated communications systems (an/syq-7(v)3)
CCC command, control, communications
SDC super data coder
MFHBF-DC mean flight hours between failures-design controllable
This page illustrates how SIL is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. ID identification
ESD electrostatic discharge
PCOTES prototype carrier operational test and evaluation system
PDL preliminary design language
LUI life useage index
ISP integrated support plan
DRMO defense reutilization & marketing office
MYFARS multi-function array radar system
MFHBVF mean flight hours between verified failures
FCC flight control computer
STEP surface warfare training evaluation program
INSURV board of inspection and survey
SMILS sonobuoy missile impact location system
BDZ buffer demodulator zero
PD project director
FRD facilities requirements document
SPNR spinner
SWP space, weight and power
TEC temporary engineering change
TPI threads per inch
SPR software problem record (report)
DFP display function processor
SO standing orders
CSC computer sciences corporation
AAA artifacts, agents and activities
ITF integration test folder
DRRB data requirements review board
SYST system, T top
TPO tentative program objectives
SOM system operators manual
RATCF radar air traffic control facility
FJAG framework joint activity group
FADECBR fadec, channel b, right engine
FORM formation
DAU data acquisition unit
FLEETEX fleet exercise
NCLT night carrier landing trnr (a6-2f122)
CMI computer managed instruction
OMB office of manpower and budget
MMRC multi mode radar command
CALT clearance altitude
OIP operational improvement program
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