One must understand the Universe perfectly, and be utterly indifferent to its pressure. The very idea of any relation between any two things appears as causal. We are almost shocked when, in the following verse, we discover a menace, none the less dread because of the obscurity of its terms. Here is a rough analysis of the word ABRAHADABRA. For one cannot be sure that a faculty which seems (on the surface) useless, even hostile, to one's work, may not in course of time become one of vital value. Aware of the errors introduced into his calculations by the comparatively steady, regular, and imperceptible motion of his earth-borne body, how not to be stricken aghast to contemplate the possible consequences of taking, as a fixed and absolute point for the base of his triangulations, and unknown and uncontrollable engine in violent, erratic and incalculable action, neither to be mastered nor measured, his mind? It is the source of nearly all his neuroses. Or, if one see, should not your worship wake the cloisters of his soul to echo sanctity for that so lovely a deed and gracious you have done? 14 + 4 = 18. Observe that I am here definitely enjoined to proclaim my Law to men, 'to look forth' instead of retiring from the world as mystics are wont to do. But 'the poor and the outcast' are the petty thoughts and the Qliphotic thoughts and the sad thoughts. She is Her own sole arbiter; we ask no more than to supply our strength to Her, whose natural weakness else were prey to the world's pressure. Our race-inherited conceptions of space prevented men, until quite recent years, from conceiving a non-Euclidean geometry, or the existence of a fourth Dimension. This path, the "Way of the Tao," is perfectly proper to all men. To know itself, each such Star, or Soul, must eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, by accepting labour and pain as its portion, and death as its doom. A Khabs or Star is apparently any nucleus where this conjunction has taken place. This sphere of the One is indeed Ra-Hoor-Khuit; is not our Crowned and Conquering Child the source of Light? The development of the Adept is by Expansion -- out to Nuit -- in all directions equally. Or, taking the keys, 8, 80, 418, we get VII, XVI, VII, adding to 30. But it is not intelligible to itself, because it has no relation with any other ideas; it only knows itself as the babe of its mother Nuith, to whom it yearns, being stirred by its father Hadith to express that instinctive attachment by inarticulate cries. Experiment proves nothing; it is surely obvious that we are obliged to correlate all observations with the physical and mental structure whose truth we are trying to test. They must make images of themselves, apparently external, and they must represent their highly complex qualities in a duality involving space and time. It is obvious that "the length of thy longing" varies with the number of potentialities to be satisfied. the divine human triad. But, even on earth, it differs in a marked manner between the poles and the equator, and not only so, but it is affected by so small a matter as the neighborhood of a mountain. The nature of man is individual. Note that Ra-Hoor Resh-Aleph-He-Vau-Vau-Resh = 418. The day after, It may well be -- I have believed so ever since I was fourteen years old -- that the elements are all isomers, differentiated by geometrical structure, electrical charge, or otherwise in precisely the same way as ozone from oxygen, red from yellow phosphorous, dextrose from laevulose, and a paraffin from a benzene of identical empirical formula. We do ask the difference between two things of the same kind. [C18] I am however promised ecstasy, i.e. whispered to my wife, 'would you rather walk across Persia or same start and clockwise: A, H, R, A.]. Tigers and Crocodiles follow him, thus linking this image with that of Harpocrates. The sloppy sentimental Jesus of the Sunday-school is the only survivor; and the War killed him, thank Ares! They Thus, a man's sexual character is one form of his self-expression; he unites Hadit with Nuit sacramentally when he satisfied his instinct of physical love. Rose had proved To swerve is ultimately impossible; to seek to swerve is to suffer. cit.). But the Artist, though his Work, the images of himself in the Form that he loves, is less perfect than the Work of his Father, since he can but express one particular point of view and that by means of one type of technique, is not to be thought useless on that account, any more than an Atlas is useless because it presents by means of certain crude conventions a fraction of the facts of geography. It is impossible to alter the ultimate Nature of any Being, however completely we may succeed in transfiguring its external signs as displayed in any of its combinations. AHRA = AVR, Light , 207. The essence of my Word is to declare woman to be Herself, of, to, and for Herself; and I give this one irresistible Weapon, the expression of Herself and Her will through sex, to Her on precisely the same terms as to man. Intra (not Extra) Nobis Regnum Dei. Probably much concerning the function of The Fool is concealed in it. parts of the world; and it was his business to give them his - Love is the Magical Formula: Sex as the Key to Life. {Theta-Sigma} = 14, the Pentagram, rule of Spirit over ordered Matter. "It shall not fade," etc. There is a sort of reciprocal correspondence between them in this respect. 418 ThIVV, Tau spelt in full a second time. Thus Magick is the Art of Life itself. Englishwomen over 30 have the vote; when the young 'uns get it, good-bye to the old marriage system. Spells are methods of communicating the will to other beings. Thus the vast bulk of humanity is obsessed by an abject fear of freedom; the principal objections hitherto urged against my Law have been those of people who cannot bear to imagine the horrors which would result if they were free to do their own wills. There must be no flaw, no irregularity, no granulation, no warp in its substance; it must be smooth and shining, pure metal of true temper. But this early stage of Samadhi is an illusion, a sort of drunken dizziness. is - Tiphereth, visible existence, the balanced harmony of the Worlds. When an Artist -- whether in Astronomy, like Copernicus, Anthropology, like Ibsen, or Anatomy, like Darwin -- selects a set of facts too large, too recondite, or too "regrettable" to receive instant assent from everybody; when he presents conclusions which conflict with popular credence or prejudice; when he employs a language which is not generally intelligible to all; in such cases he must be content to appeal to the few. Also he prophesied of his immediate future, which was fulfiled, and is still being fulfilled at the time (An V. Sun in 20 degrees Cancer) of this writing. It is cosmographically, the conception of the two Ultimate Ideas; Space, and That which occupies Space. "There was quite a series of small accidents during these days. He cannot compose by copying or combining their works; they serve him only as indications of the art of expression. This edition is interesting because it includes the commentaries of at least 5 previous editors of Blackstone’s work along with additional notes by Sharswood, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. I may illustrate this point by a simple analogy. There is here a reference to the two main types of the Orgia of Magick; I have already dealt with this matter in the Comment. Just as a woman's body is deformed and diseased by the corset demanded by Jaganath Fashion, so is her soul by the compression of convention, which is a fashion as fitful, arbitrary, and senseless as that of the man-milliner, though they call him God, and his freakish Fiat pass for Everlasting Law. Frankness of speech and writing on sexual questions will dispel the ignorance which entraps so many unfortunate people; proper precaution against actual dangers will replace unnecessary and absurd precautions against imaginary or artificial dangers; and the quacks who trade on fear will be put out of business. "In these four months I had been mildly indisposed with indigestion Welcome to fray and to feast! But almost the only integral value is found at the angle of 45 degrees where it is unity. Man is in actual possession of this supreme talisman. "'Come unto me' is a foolish word: for it is I that go." Thomas Henry Huxley in his essay Evolution and Ethics pointed out the antithesis between these two ideas; and concluded that Evolution was bound to beat Ethics in the long run. We do not insist on trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well being, and enjoy their wool and mutton. R (Ra-Hoor-Khuit) Kether, Unity, is always itself; but we may suppose that a number of such homogeneous positive manifestations may form groups differing from each other as to size and structure so as to create the illusion of diversity. The facts that {...}, and that the subtraction of (a) the inductive numbers, (b) the inductive numbers greater than n, (c) the odd numbers, from {...} give respectively zero, n and {...} as the result, do not interfere with the finite character of the relation between n and n 1. The whiskered wowser! One must not create confusion in the talisman, which belongs to the Silent Self, by letting the speaking self deny the purpose which produced it. To do this -- we have all done it -- is to forget our Truth. We should give every opportunity to the ambitious, and thereby establish a class of morally and intellectually superior men and women. Magick is the management of all we say and do, so that the effect is to change that part of our environment which dissatisfies us, until it does so no longer. On the other hand, the constitution of Nuit is 'atomic' (verse 26) or discontinuous. In my ears rang that terrible cry of Macduff, When "duty points one way, and inclination the other", it is proof that you are not one, but two. A verse with so sacred a number as 11 is likely to mean very deep things. It would throw us back on the dilemma of Manichaeism. The supernals are supported upon two squares) case of 'happy the nation that has no history'. We of Thelema are not the slaves of Love. He must be taught that all roads are equally royal, and that the only question for him is "Which road is mine?" Had is further the centre of the Key-Word ABRAHADABRA. On this point I concur that they argue indisputably, with sober sense to support and stress of suffering to spur them. We are all aware that fine children are born of healthy mothers who are true and worthy mates of their husbands. And is not this Book the Word of Aiwaz, and is not He mine Holy Guardian Angel, the master of my Silent Self, His virgin bride on whom His love hath wrought the mystery of Identity? And the Jew is far from hopeless outside America, where the previous paragraph was written. Welcome to trumpet and triumph; welcome to dirge and to death! 2. In Latin countries where Sin is not taken seriously, and sex-expression is simple, wholesome, and free, drunkenness is a rare accident. Every thought is a thing in itself; it is determined by its predecessors and determines its successors; it is concatenated with them by 'psychological time'. Let me then maintain that such collections as "The thoughts of a man's lifetime" constitute a series in the same sense as the inductive numbers. They lack purpose, foresight, and intelligence. But (as the Tree of Life indicates) Knowledge is the means by which the conscious mind, Microprosopus, reaches to Understanding and to Wisdom, its mother and father, which reflect respectively Nuith and Hadit from the Ain and Kether. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. It is important to understand Hadit as the 'core of every star' when we come to consider the character of those stars, his 'friends' or sympathetic ideas grouped about him, who are 'hermits,' individualities eternally isolated in reality though they may appear to be lost in their relations with external things. We have seen that Ra-Hoor-Khuit is in one sense the Silent Self in a man, a Name of his Khabs, not so impersonal as Hadit, but the first and least untrue formulation of the Ego. "The tomb" -- the temple of Love. Every organ has 'no law beyond Do what thou wilt'. Qabalistic Appendix [Q##] The cube is rectilinear (therefore phallic no less than the axle); its unity suggests perfection projected as a "solid" for human perception; its square faces affirm balance, equity, and limitation; its six-sidedness sets it among the solar symbols. In a world where everyone did his own will none would lack these things. We implicitly refer to a standard of repose which, in point of fact, we know not to exist. And, Liber Aleph is an extended and elaborate commentary on “The Book of the Law”, in the form of a letter from the Master Therion to the son of mankind. The English Bible sanctions the polygamy and concubinage of Abraham, Solomon and others, the incest of Lot, the wholesale rape of captured virgins, as well as the promiscuity of the first Christians, the prostitution of temple servants, men and women, the relations of Johannes with his master, and the putting of wandering Prophets to stud, as well as the celibacy of such people as Paul. He would not approach the body. If it declare a Christian -- a thing not man nor beast, but a muddle of mind -- he craves the drug, no more for its analytical but for its numbing effect. This female was hideous, ill-mannered and From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Commentaries on American Law is a four-volume book by James Kent. He is the First Letter of the Alphabet, Aleph, whose number is One, and his card in the Tarot is The Fool, numbered Zero. Yet hydrogen and chlorine rush passionately to embrace each other in monogamic madness! But writing 506 qabalistically backwards we get 605, and 605 + 61 = 666. No two faces are identical, still less are two individuals. Yet His Silence is the Act of Adoration; not the dumb callousness of heaven toward man, but the supreme ritual, the Silence of supreme Orgasm, the stilling of all Voices in the perfect rapture. Grant & Symonds' Commentary [GS##] use of my whalebone cutting-whip. 'The Great Beast', as in truth I did know even in childhood. The clamour of these cries crowns Anarchy, and action becomes impossible. We must then study the art of Bodily Love. King Josiah is confronted with the Book of the Law. ABRAHADABRA is the formula of the Aeon, by which man may accomplish the Great Work. This makes me certain that there is a special meaning. It must express itself by a series of symbolic gestures ostensibly external to it, just as a painter reveals one facet of his Delight-Diamond by covering a canvas with colours in such a way that the picture seems at first sight to represent something outside himself. But apparently she is all right just so far as she is open, to enter or leave at one's pleasure, the Gateway of Eternal Life. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. True pride prevents a man from doing aught unworthy of himself. On the contrary, its own claim to authority rests upon reason, and nothing else. Why can't they let one alone? (In any system of three points, any two may be considered solely with reference to the third, so that even in a finite universe the sum of the properties of all points is the same, though no two properties may be common to any two points. The root of Aleister or Alastor is apparently Al, meaning to wander, as suggested by the 'flowing' sound of both vowel and consonant. ", that is, "Steady! To mock at Hadit is therefore evidently very much what is meant by the mysterious phrase in the "New Testament" with regard to the Unpardonable Sin, the "blasphemy against the Holy Ghost". [M9]. ", {*In MS, a mark in this place is commonly read as the Hebrew letter Tzaddi.} Against this monster he has devised two protections. Also, less ineffably, it boasts the consummation of the marriage of Hadit and Nuit in the priest. The exact conditions never recur. But it never occured to him to refrain from exercising the Right which he possessed to endanger her life every year. This being so, it becomes tremendously important to a man that he should become conscious of his true inmost wills, of his essential nature. Disillusion is inevitable; when it comes, it leads only too often to an error which is in reality more fatal than the former, the denial of 'materiality' and of 'animalism.' The difficulty of commensuration can exist only in minds obsessed by the atavistic necessity of counting cowries or wives on the fingers. We should indeed love all -- is not the Law "love under will"? A third alternative? Next, he must love that form, as a form, adoring it, understanding it, and mastering it, with most minute attention, until it (as it seems) adapts itself to him with eager elasticity, and answers accurately and aptly, with the unconscious automatism of an organ perfected by evolution, to his most subtlest suggestion, to his most giant gesture. His next act was to remember that crysipelas was a He has even succeeded in attaching a foul connotation to a colourless word like "certain" -- "In a section of the city with a certain reputation women of a certain class suffering from certain diseases are charged with performing certain acts" is a common enough item in the newspapers. Unspeakable is the variety of form and immeasurable the diversity of beauty, but in all is the seal of unity, inasmuch as all cometh from the womb of Nuit -- to it returneth all. In particular the entry of the Sun into the cardinal signs of the elements at the Equinoxes and Solstices are suitable for festivals. - Buy The Law of Evidence: Commentary on Evidence Act, 1872 book online at best prices in India on verse 13, comment. If cause and effect are really inseparable, as they must be by definition, it is mere clumsiness to regard them as separate; they are two aspects of one single idea, conceived as consecutive for the sake of (apparent) convenience, or for the general purpose previously indicated of understanding and expressing ourselves in finite terms. The objection to Calypso, Circe, Armida, Kundry, and Co. is that one is liable to be shut up in their Gardens. It disdains the arts of the orator. She has had no chance to Love unless she first renounced the respect of society, and found a way to drive the wolf of hunger from her door. Now 8 x 207 = 1650 = 18 = ChI, Living; She is Sakti, the Teh, the Magical Door between the Tao and the Manifested World. I feel convinced that some event will occur to fit the passage with unmistakeable accuracy. It is to laugh. 4-9. There is an alternative, taking the beginning as An X sol in Libra, and implying larger periods). To us a woman is Herself, absolute, original, independent, free, self-justified, exactly as a man is. The present volume is thus the obedience to this command. (Unus In Omnibus), Achad, or O.I.V.V.I.O. And, then having assumed conscious control of himself, that he may do his Will, he should make a point of using every faculty in a detached way (just as one inspects one's pistols and fires a few rounds) without expecting ever to need them again, but on the general principle that if they were wanted, one might as well feel confident of the issue. This word obtained by her was Nebulae which, though it was not apparent at the time, is evidently suggestive of the birth of a Star. In my essays 'Truth' (in Konx Om Pax [16]), The Soldier and the Hunchback, Man is the Middle Kingdom. For instance: "God's wind from nowhere which is called the Will; and is man's only excuse upon this earth," was written by so trivial a Fat Man as Gilbert Keith Chesterton in "The Flying Inn.". Thus, "there is no difference"; and each existence is inscrutably itself. Secondly, he is so certain, despite all his theatrical-wardrobe-work, that it is a devouring monster, that he resents with insane ferocity the existence of people who laugh at his fears, and tell him that the monster he fears is in reality not a fire-breathing worm, but a spirited horse, well trained to the task of the bridle. This statement must not be regarded as individualism run wild. during the latter part of which I wrote most of Rosa The Goal is ineffably worth all our pains, as we say to ourselves at first; but in a little while are aware that even that Goal is less intoxicating then the Way itself. 718, "Hail to the A.'.A.'.". ]}, But {Thelema} also means Will in the Higher sense of Magical One-pointedness, and in the sense used by Schopenhauer and Fichte. Also 418 = ATh IAV. He has united himself with, and lost himself in, Nuit. Crucifixion, &c., as the Magical Formula. But it is vital to consider this as a strictly temporary device; and to "cut out the idea of Eternal Rest". Let us take an example. There is great confusion of thought in the use of the word "eternal," and the phrase "for ever." "There were some curious wounds caused, in my judgement, by the Amen is evidently a synthesis of the four elements, and the invisible fifth is Spirit. The homosexual must not blaspheme his nature and commit spiritual suicide by suppressing love or attempting to pervert it, as ignorance and fear, shame and weakness, so often induce him to do. This definition includes raising the dead, bewitching cattle, making rain, acquiring goods, fascinating judges, and all the rest of the programme. The definitions of Cantorian and Dedekindian continuity should be sought in Bertrand Russell, op. Cf. It must be obvious to the most embryonic tyro in alchemy that if there be any material substance soever endowed with magical properties, one must class, primus inter pares, that vehicle of essential humanity which is the first matter of that Great Work wherein our race shares the divine prerogative of creating man in its own image, male and female. It must give itself utterly in the one act of love. We thus adjust one imperfection accurately to another, and remain contented in the appreciation of the righteousness of the relation. What happens when (either by chance or by design) that obvious effect is prevented? My memory tells me, however, that the tone of the voice of Aiwaz was at this point low, even, and musical. In which case, cf. I take it in its obvious sense. The idea of self-sacrifice is a moral cancer in exactly this sense. Its harmony with statecraft is demonstrated in the Chapters of Liber Aleph already quoted -- see comment on Chapter II verse 72. 418 To me; The Not. That Babylonian and Assyrian monuments contain records bearing a grotesque resemblance to the majestic account of the creation and of the Flood is true, as also that these antedate Moses. He then The earth-point marks the position of her feet, the fire-point, that of her hands, the other three points -- air, spirit, and water respectively -- refer to "my secret centre, my heart, and my tongue.". It is a gawky stumbling across a black foul bog, oozing a thousand dangers. The act of Love is to the bourgeois (as the 'Christian' is called now-a-days) a gross animal gesture which shames his boasted humanity. It has been shewn in a previous note that the principal Gods, and men, that men have adored, are in one way or another represented in the Tarot card "The Fool". A complete and updated commentary on the Code of Canon Law prepared by the leading canonists of North America and Europe. A Commentary and Review of Montesquieu’s ’Spirit of Laws’: To which are annexed, Observations on the Thirty First Book by the late M. Condorcet; and Two Letters of Helvetius, on the Merits of the same Work, trans. Note that Nuith, although She is Infinite Space, speaks as an individual might do, often enough. In the last sphere he learnt that his Body was the Temple of the Rosy Cross, that is, that it was given him as a place wherein to perform the Magical Work of uniting the oppositions in his Nature. What happens is that the Idea ceases to find its image in those particular images; it begins to notice the limitations, which are not itself and indeed deny itself, as soon as its original joy in its success at having become conscious of itself wears off. The animal instinct in man is the twin of the ape's or the bull's. There are cases when seduction or rape may be emancipation or initiation to another. For the first time in my life I There is no such word as AXPICTA, "unchristlike things"; only blind bigotry could be satisfied with so crude an invention. The crux of the whole proof may be summarized by saying that any possible proposition must be equally true with its contradictory, as, if not, the universe would no longer be in equilibrium. automatic writing. [M15], The Serpent is the Uraeus, with the powers of Life and Death, wise, ecstatic, immortal; winged and hooded, that he may go as a god swiftly and silently. But there is nothing inspiring in a visit to one's lawyer. Again, homosexual practices between boys may in certain cases actually rob them of their virility, psychically or even physically. For it is in the power of all so-called intoxicating drugs to reveal a man to himself. There is obviously a limit, where "the means" in any case are such that their use blasphemes "the end": e.g. To return to our so-called axiom; Two straight lines cannot enclose a space. There was nothing to fight for. The simple Truth is what I have always asserted. ", It appears (I don't remember the Sanskrit) as if a dental T or D were inserted phallically to give us Madar, Mu-eta-tau-eta-rho, Mater, Mother, (? They are dragged in the dirt of the night-cart which ought to have been their "chariot of fire and the horses thereof". We may briefly remind the reader of the principal events, arranging them in the form of a rubric, and placing against each the corresponding magical acts of the Equinox previous to ours, as they are symbolized in the legends of Osiris, Dionysus, Jesus, Attis, Adonis, and others. The fact that every number is a term in a mathematical continuum is no more an adequate definition than if we were to describe a picture as Number So-and-So in the catalogue. There is much more on these points in Liber Aleph, and in The Urn. I masked my shyness in bravado, and tried to kill it by ostentatious eccentricity. He must not be ashamed or afraid of being homosexual if he happens to be so at heart; he must not attempt to violate his own true nature because public opinion, or mediaeval morality, or religious prejudice would wish he were otherwise. [C##]. Now in the 'stones of precious water' the Light leapt clear indeed, but they were not themselves that Light. The emancipated, self-supporting American woman already acts exactly like the 'bachelor-boy'. 252-3.]. It threatens him with death, disease, disaster in all manner of forms. Luckily she had sufficient "Appear on the throne of Ra! Instead, I am exiled and suspected, despised by men of science, ostracised by my class, and a beggar. Even love and pity for the fallen is an identification with it (sympathy from Sigma-epsilon-nu Pi-alpha-theta-epsilon-iota-nu), and therefore a contamination. 'Jesus' himself, in the legend, 'set his face as a flint to go to Jerusalem,' with the foreknowledge of his fate. [Q2] Spiritual experience soon enables the aspirant to assimilate these ideas, and he can enjoy life to the full, finding his True Self alike in the contemplation of every element of existence. where the officer of the previous six months, representing Horus, took the place of the retiring Hierophant, who had represented Osiris. The act of love can no more "trammel up his consequence" than any other act. The attribution (in the Old Comment) of the letters to those of the Book of Enoch is unsupported. Sappho, Semiramis, Messalina, Cleopatra, Ta Chhi, Pasiphae, Clytaemnaestra, Helen of Troy, and in more recent times Joan of Arc (by Shakespeare's account), Catherine II of Russia, Queen Elizabeth of England, George Sand, "George Eliot." 418 Hermes Eimi, Short Nose, or Microprosopus = Figure of Most of the numbers and words openly mentioned in the Book of the Law which conceal Secret Matters were already at that time possessed of a certain significance for me. 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